The Mad Navigator
one thing i've learned is to always expect the worst.
I was being facetious.
And, it wouldn't surprise me if he was put into that position by his brother.
one thing i've learned is to always expect the worst.
It's an INCREDIBLY boring job with some of the dullest meetings ever, so I'm not sure Doug would want it.
Is the position appointment negotiable?
Stintz is an interesting choice. She became far more moderate over the course of her time in office, even riding her bike to work. She might be a choice everyone could live with.
Nevermind.. She stated her concerns with the above ground sections and would like to see more of it buried - but she's a proponent of the LRT.I don't think so, but I could have missed it. She's quoted in this article about the LRT talking about the 'exciting possibility of narrowing roads' once buses are removed from the section that will be tunneled.
Nevermind.. She stated her concerns with the above ground sections and would like to see more of it buried - but she's a proponent of the LRT.
I don't see Ford appointing her to chair given these circumstances. He may in fact hate TC as much as I do if not more.
He generally hates transit altogether, but likes subways because it got him votes.
Most suburbanites have only a vague idea of what Transit City is.
Holyday seems to dislike the idea of the on-street section on Eglinton through Etobicoke, so we could end up with just the underground section. Even that would be pretty awesome, though.
And if he wants to stay in the mayor's chair, all it would take is 2-3 more stations in his first term to show that he's making a difference and he'd win with an even bigger margin.
Torontonians want subways. I'm surprised this forum doesn't seem to acknowledge that Transit City angered the majority of the suburbanites it was meant to serve.