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New MAJOR Muscial Production Coming to Toronto!



I have got an inside track that tells me that Marvish Productions and the Government of Ontario is prepared to annouce on Wednesday that Toronto has landed a major new muscial production.

I don't know the name of the play, I suspect that it is the World Premier of the Lord of the Rings (LOTR). I know that the tourism partners in downtown Toronto have been aggressively lobbying the government to lure this major production away from London and New York.

If this is the case, this is a major vote of confidence in Toronto and huge tourism coup.

2006 appears to be shaping up to be the year of Toronto!

this is exciting news.

but i'm confused, is this a brand new musical made from scratch, or they luring an existing one from another city?
Its a new production from what I understand.

If it is the LOT, originally the play was set for London, however they don't have the right theatre to launch it in. New York is always a prime candidate for these things.

If Toronto was choosen over those two, more power to us!

Oh good. Furry hobbits singing songs, in the road show tryout before it moves to New York.

It's the Cats of the 21st century, in the city that is the New Haven of the 21st century.
Maybe someone could mount a revival of Napoleon. That was going to bring in the crowds, then take New York and London by storm too. Ditto Jane Eyre. Both sank without a trace.
Because of the movies, Lord of the Rings is pretty much guaranteed to be a cash cow. In fact, just about every big production musical these days comes from the movies. Say what you will about its artistic merits, at least Cats was unique. Anyway, this one might be fun.

Where will this likely be going? Pantages...erm...Canon?
"Planet of the Apes: The Musical"

"Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius" is one of the greatest songs ever!
"Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius" is a gem, but it can't compete with these classics:

"See My Vest"

Mr. Burns: Some men hunt for sport
Others hunt for food
The only thing I'm hunting for
Is an outfit that looks good
See my vest
Made from real gorilla chest

Feel this sweater
There's no better
Than authentic Irish setter

See this hat
'Twas my cat
My evening wear, vampire bat

These white slippers
Are albino
African endangered rhino.

Grizzly bear underwear
Turtle's necks,
I've got my share.

Barret of poodle
On my noodle
It shall rest.

Try my red robin suit
It comes one vest or two.

See my vest,
See my vest,
See my vest!

Like my loafers?
Former gophers
It was that, or skin my chaufferus.

But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best.

So let's prepare these dogs

Maid: Kill two for matching clogs.

Mr. Burns: See my vest,
See my vest,
Oh, please won't you see my vest!

"Stonecutters Anthem"

Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do, We do.

Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do, we do.

Who keeps back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do, we do.

Who robs cavefish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do, we dooooooo.

And then there's "Monorail"...
Maybe they're bringing back "Hogtown", the vehicle I saw Craig Russell crash in 1981 at the Bayview Playhouse. What a grotesque night out that was. His spectacularly awful gowns were the best thing in the show.
Oh. My. God.

When I asked the woman who organized our (clearly rigged, since I lost) office Oscar pool if she had her Stonecutter's robe in her office, only one (ONE!) of my co-workers got the joke.
