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News   Jul 30, 2024
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New look for the Victoria Park subway station (Brown and Storey)

Well I had a bit of time it being Friday and I popped by the Vic. Park project. They are getting rid of the old bus ramp on the east side of the station and the covered walkway. I imagine when that is done they will be able to start properly grading so that construction can begin.
The last of that covered pedestrian walkway has been demolished at the old Vic Park station. They demolished most of it already but they had left about 20' or 30' of it standing from Denton Ave northword to the Vic Park station. It looks like they have got some of the retaining wall started on the east side of the station as well.
July 6

Made a quick stop at the station on Monday

The new east parking lot is finally open with only construction crews using it and paying to park there.

Retaining walls going up in the south-west corner as well to the east.

Support columns for the bus bay roof being place.

They were loading the last remains of the walkway into the dump truck. Only the foundation remains at this time.

Road Work

Fences are going up along Victoria Park Avenue.

Next stage of work involves Road Widening and reconstruction from Crescent Town to Denton.

This is being done to accommodate partial new 2-laning; bike lanes, and a new sidewalk on the west side of the street.
Northern Light, are they planning on 2 lanes each direction from Denton to Crescent Town Rd? I don't think the funding for that would fall under the TTC's limited Station Modernization funds if they are going to do this.
A video from westbound train.

Photo's from Aug 1st visit.

Work has started on the west side of the street for road and sidewalk addition.

Construction moving along with most retraining wall up for bus terminal as well the parking lot. Stairs been form to reach the top level. A good example where a ramp system would had work nicely.

Forming going up for the roof of the bus bays.
I had extra time off this Labour Day weekend and I checked on the progress of the Victoria Park Subway Station modernization. Their is a lot of scaffolding up along the 'L' shape where the future bus platforms are going to be. It looks like they might be starting to work on those green roofs they are planning that run over the planned bus platforms.

I don't see this work everyday, but, when I do get by the amount of progress that has happened since my last visit always astounds me. Can't wait for this station to be done.

I also read that to find the money for the new streetcars the TTC has taken money away from the Station Modernization program and some othe projects. I am grateful that the VP station has already been started and won't be delayed because of this streetcar deal. I just hope the other station that had plans, Pape, Islington and Kipling aren't delayed too long. I think they have to wait on Islington and Kipling anyways because they want to see what Mississauga Transit is going to do I am guessing.
No worry

No Worry GTS,

The money they took out of Station Modernization doesn't hit until 2014-2015.

So all of the projects awarded to date or about to be:

Victoria Park

Are all fine.

I expect to see one or two others get funded before the money goes away.

(Yonge/Bloor and Warden almost for sure, and probably Dundas West)
I had extra time off this Labour Day weekend and I checked on the progress of the Victoria Park Subway Station modernization. Their is a lot of scaffolding up along the 'L' shape where the future bus platforms are going to be. It looks like they might be starting to work on those green roofs they are planning that run over the planned bus platforms.

I don't see this work everyday, but, when I do get by the amount of progress that has happened since my last visit always astounds me. Can't wait for this station to be done.

I also read that to find the money for the new streetcars the TTC has taken money away from the Station Modernization program and some othe projects. I am grateful that the VP station has already been started and won't be delayed because of this streetcar deal. I just hope the other station that had plans, Pape, Islington and Kipling aren't delayed too long. I think they have to wait on Islington and Kipling anyways because they want to see what Mississauga Transit is going to do I am guessing.

TTC Has a plan for both Kipling and Islington and approved at all levels.

Contractor has finish the relocation of various service under the Kipling bridge for the new entrance. The driveway ramp at the east end is been shore up. The new east entrance has nothing to do with the new MT/GO terminal to the west.

By the way, Kipling is now own by Metrolinx with TTC running it.

Work can start any time on Islington even with MT still there, as the bus bays will be removed at a later date.
Northern Light I hope you are right about Warden Station being in line for modernization. My wife and I use to live off of Vic. Park and used mostly VP station but now we live farther east because we needed more room because our family is getting bigger so now I use Warden Sta. mostly. I am glad they got rid of those seperated bus stalls at VP station and I hope that Warden Station gets similar treatment.

Some things are really well designed at Warden Station and one thing is the bus ramps to get in and out of the station. I just hope they have an island type of platform that all the different routes share the same platform. It makes transferring from bus to bus much easier-like when I have a stroller.

I still use the VP station sometimes, I catch the 12B bus, this route just takes a little longer then grabbing a bus from Warden Station.

One other item I have noticed is that Eglinton Station at Yonge St. has those old seperated bus bay for the old station still there. What is the TTC going to do with this land?
Warden and Eglinton Stations

Warden Station:

Will get a new island bus terminal, the reason for this is that it is also getting elevators which preclude having the buses all in their own silo.

It will also have a new parking lot off Santa Monica (the road east of Warden Station, by the hydro facility).

The old Parking lot on Warden, north of St. Clair will be developed and made a park.

Detailed design isn't done yet, but my assumption is that Warden will not get new tiles/finishes except where they are need work.

Just, new parking, new bus terminal, new elevators.

They will also sell the corner of Warden/St. Clair for a Condo, if there is interest.


Eglinton, the vacants lands are being sold for development. Toronto already developed a plan for the site. That plan includes a new bus terminal, likely underground. Though, the Eglinton LRT design may hold things up just a bit, as that will drastically change what is needed from a bus terminal there.

I would hope they would have a deal in place with a developer by year's end. Its taken plenty long, but no guarantees there.
Eglinton, the vacants lands are being sold for development. Toronto already developed a plan for the site. That plan includes a new bus terminal, likely underground. Though, the Eglinton LRT design may hold things up just a bit, as that will drastically change what is needed from a bus terminal there.

I would hope they would have a deal in place with a developer by year's end. Its taken plenty long, but no guarantees there.

A new bus terminal? You mean besides the new one that's already in operation?

Why would they need a new one.
Bus Terminal - Eglinton

The current 'new' bus terminal at Eglinton has always been 'temporary' pending redevelopment of the site.

The current new terminal is in the former TTC Eglinton Bus Garage, which is enmeshed with the Whole Canada Square Project.

The bus garage is closed, and the entire area it now occupies will likely be part of the massive redevelopment of the block.

In the relevant thread here.....which someone will post, there are renderings of what Toronto would like on the site.

Though that will be subject to negotiations with a preferred developer.
