If you're talking about the gap between Hurontario and Erin Mills, I really don't see how Stavebank even comes into the discussion. At Lakeshore it's less than 500 m from Hurontario. What does that do to fix a 4 km gap?
I get that its not ideal, but running a road down the valley is a non-starter, so you have to go to one side or the other. You also need to see a logical extension across the highway, and to consider the costs.
I'm quite open to alternative solutions. This is not my hill to die on...........its just one possible way to address the issue.
Honestly I've lived in Mississauga nearly my entire life, and I don't think anyone has ever suggested the need for a new N-S street along the river bank
That's because most of those existing residents are driving and don't care if transit is poor.
But we're clearly moving towards substantial intensification around Lakeshore, and around all of the existing GO Stations and at least one additional one.
A good chunk of those new residents will need to go north. If they all drive, Lakeshore, Hurontario and Southdown will all be hopelessly gridlocked.
You're going to need to find at least one additional path/route. For cars and for transit.
, or anywhere within the Credit Valley.
Other than a bridge crossing any intrusion into the valley is a complete non-starter, and should be.
I have heard many times people talk about Queensway crossing the river, which I kinda get. But I'm still not convinced even that is necessary, because if it was, we'd probably have done that by now.
I think Drum has done a good job explaining the history there, and I've read his past explanations on Queensway, and spoken w/some in the Mississauga civil service who feel not doing this was an enormous mistake and one in dire need of correction.
The notion that if there's a need, governement will automatically see to it that its met is a curious one......... see our homelessness problem or our drug addiction issues, or the shortage of family doctors.....and you'll quickly come to understand that just because something is a good idea or very needed does not mean it will get done.
Opposition, entrenched interests, politics, and financial cost, among other things, all effect what gets done and what does not.
I think the estimation of how many people in that quadrant need public transit is vastly overestimated. I don't think the citizens of Mineola West would appreciate an arterial road being plopped in their neighbourhood (particularly when they're already right beside Hurontario already), nor would Credit Valley Conservation likely be in favour of Stavebank being a new arterial road, seeing how close it is to the river.
As someone who has worked closely with Conservation staff, including those at the CVCA, I can tell you that unto itself, it wouldn't be an issue, they would simply impose conditions that would make it more expensive, such as re-aligning the road to the east in spots, and investing in road salt mitigation measures. They would generally want the road set back 30M from STOS (Stable top of slope), but would likely work with 10M if pragmatism demanded it.
To be clear, I'm not quoting any CVCA official here, on this particular idea, but I have had discussions on similar'ish projects w/them, and the criteria they apply.
As for Lorne Park, whereas on a map I think it makes more sense for a new N-S street to extend Erindale Station Road/Glengarry to the south, I cannot imagine that happening either. The people who live there would have no desire for a road nor transit.
Again, this isn't about the people there now, its about all the density being added.
I really think this idea is a complete non-starter, as long as this area is full of multimillion dollar homes. If the areas ever change, and somehow all these homes are abandoned / converted to higher density, maybe. But right now any bus you would presumptively run there would be as infrequent and underused as Lakeshore itself.
You're welcome to that view, its one I don't share.