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Minister's plan stirs up mud with neighbours


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Apr 23, 2007
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Minister's plan stirs up mud with neighbours

Environment Minister Laurel Broten's plan to build a garage is being challenged at the Ontario Municipal Board.

I don't think she practises what she preaches Peter Tabuns, NDP environment critic Jun 28, 2007 04:30 AM
Rob Ferguson
Queen's Park Bureau

There's trouble brewing in Laurel Broten's backyard.

With the Oct. 10 provincial election fast approaching, the environment minister and mother of 20-month-old twin boys isn't winning popularity contests with some Etobicoke neighbours over family plans for an elaborate, two-storey garage with a lift to house one of their four vehicles, baby gear and bikes.

Five residents say the garage is too big, out of character for the area and threatens a mature tree that straddles another property. They're challenging the project at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing on Tuesday in hopes it can be downsized.

"Instead of looking at trees I'm going to be looking at this gargantuan garage," says Robbie Robinson, a retired architect who lives behind Broten and her lawyer-businessman husband, Paul Laberge, in a south Etobicoke enclave just metres from Lake Ontario.

"I don't think the neighbours are going to vote for her at all."

He described the garage as having 14-foot (4.2-metre) walls rising to a roof peak 19 feet (5.7 metres) high – about seven feet (2.1 metres) higher than bylaws allow. But the couple won approval for it from the local committee of adjustment by getting a minor variance in March.

Robinson acknowledges he's been squabbling with Broten's husband since the couple put an above-ground pool in their backyard two summers ago, changing drainage patterns that result in his backyard flooding during heavy rains.

Broten maintains that the plans for the garage – supported by at least one nearby resident – were drawn up with an eye to "build around" a 14-metre-tall tree.

"It provides a great deal of shade in our yard," she said. "And I am a big fan of working to protect trees. It's one of the reasons we bought that house."

Another neighbour scoffs at the claim the tree will survive, given that accidents can happen during construction.

"It (the garage) is going to be about an inch from the tree," said John Sullivan, who added he witnessed Laberge shouting at Robinson about the OMB challenge a few weeks ago.

"He (Laberge) said, `I hope you have lots of money, I hope you have a lawyer.' I was shocked," said Sullivan. "It's a shame. When stuff like this happens, the people need to get together. The minute you involve lawyers, you're asking for trouble."

Laberge could not be reached for comment despite attempts to reach him through Broten's office.

Broten said she had little to do with the garage and defended the size of the proposed building.

"It's a single car footprint with a lift to accommodate one car and a bunch of strollers and bikes ... you can only imagine ... how much stuff twins come with."

The squabble with neighbours has raised eyebrows at Queen's Park, where no quarter is expected or given with the election coming.

"I saw the famous stroller on Saturday at an event, where the two very cute little boys were in the stroller, but there was nothing about that stroller that struck me as requiring a 19-foot garage to house it," quipped Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory.

The fact that the environment minister's family of four has four vehicles – a Ford Escape hybrid, a low-emissions Volvo SUV, a Mercedes and a Porsche – did not escape the attention of NDP environment critic Peter Tabuns.

"It seems like a lot," said the MPP for Toronto-Danforth.

"I don't think she practises what she preaches when it comes to the environment."

Broten made no apologies for her husband's car collection, describing him as a mining town boy made good in the big city.

"When you're a young guy that grows up in Sudbury and you're the first guy in your family not to work underground, once you're successful you have dreams of having a couple of cars and you can afford them, you buy them."
Four cars for a family of four? Wow, Toronto residents are even more suburban than Vaughan.
Hey, the car hobby doesn't discriminate. So let's not go all extreme left NDP on this guy because he has good taste in automobiles. There's still the matter of the garage.
Four cars for a family of four? Wow

Yeah, not bad for a Minister of the Environment.*

Just imagine if Energy was her portfolio.

*Ever notice how many people associated with environmental issues are usually the people not practicing what they preach? It's flickin' interesting.
Four cars for a family of four? Wow, Toronto residents are even more suburban than Vaughan.

and two in the family are toddlers. I think the hybrid and the low emissions volvo were to save face. No one was supposed to know about the porsche and the Benz. Busted!
It's not like they can drive all four at once. As long as they're made in Canada, I'd say why not buy forty cars if you have the money and the desire?
You don't have to drive the cars everyday. And its her husband who bought the other cars. Funny, the article didn't really talk about how many compact fluorescents bulbs they had, or how the setting of their thermostat.
Why not just rent a storage unit? And of course, we'd never know about this unless they made the application for a two-level garage and alienated the neighbours. That's why the collection of four cars is

And justifying it by saying that they have two "low-emission" SUVs. Kinda like low-tar smokes. An Escape Hybrid is not a low-emissions vehicle.

The greatest environmental minister since John Snobelen!
Maybe she should do the garage Sir Henry Pellatt style. Buy a piece of property a few blocks away for her garage, and then connect the garage to her home by a tunnel, just like the Casa Loma stables.

... and while they're at it, add tracks to the tunnel and put in a train. Voila, the start of a new subway line!
Even if she had 20 Hummers, so what? They don't harm the environment sitting in the garage. When her twin babies reach driving age, then their cars will get some use.
