‘Tap On’ to Buses & Streetcars, ‘Tap On and Off’ at Subway Stations – Recommendation 1c. (2017) With the advent of PRESTO and new fare gates being installed, PRESTO readers are being installed on the front and back of fare gates and at bus and streetcar doorways. To reduce fraud and create a consistent message to customers, there is an opportunity to encourage customers to tap on entry to all vehicles, wherever they are including within integrated stations, and to tap off as they exit a subway station. Tapping out of stations would be a new behavior for customers to learn, customers will be required to tap out on the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension to avoid paying an additional fare when traveling from York region. For consistency, this functionality should be expanded to the entire subway system. This clear message will help reinforce the correct customer behaviour around tapping on all PRESTO devices and provides the TTC with better customer journey data.