here are my thoughts about who needs to shape up and what not.
it's not really about who needs to shape up and what not, it's all about respect and responsibility, and of course, a little bit of common sense. This is not a game of tag. You got me and now I am going to get you back. What's the point of that? Instead of solving the problem, both sides (employees and riders) are just bashing each other for no reason. I myself take the TTC almost everyday, and from what I see, it's like a warzone.
1. "this bus is not moving until you pay the fare." this one always gets me, and it's quite common too. it usually happens to riders with a mental disability. all i can say is be patient. there's no need to play childish here. continue what you are doing and eventually the rider will pay, if not, then wait until he/she is about to get off. then ask them nicely again. for other that do not have a disability, then it is really up to you. if you think it has been smooth sailing up until now by not paying the fare, then when you get caught one day, don't complain.
2. littering on the subway or buses. oh come on guys, are we kindergartens here? everybody knows how the garbage bins look like right? plus, now there's even garbage bins that tell you which ones goes where. do we really need to be spoonfed? once again, common sense. and this goes with washrooms too.
3. drunk riders on transit systems. this is a tough one. riders, be patient. i know it can get annoying sometimes, but if you really feel uncomfortable, then get off at the next station, and catch another train. or switch to another train. just don't make it obvious though.
4. taking breaks during your shift. i can't stress this enough, you are public servants and you are getting paid (a lot too i might add). recently the fare increase was already a headache to the riders and now transit operators taking naps and coffee breaks? GIVE ME A BREAK! if you can't handle night shifts, then switch with someone! if you don't like sitting at the collector booth, then ask for another position! you have a mouth don't you?
that's all i can think of right now. but getting back to that question, who needs to shape up. well after looking at these 4 scenarios, i think its pretty clear now is it not?