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Head of Slips (Waterfront Toronto, West 8/DTAH)

Skate Park under a bridge in Seattle - Sections under the Gardiner would be perfect for this kind of active use.



That last pic is actually from Burnside Skatepark in Portland, Oregon. A skatepark under the Gardiner is a great idea. There was also a groundbreaking recently for the new City skatepark near Ashbridges Bay.
the reason i raised the question of skateboarding in the first place was because i was at HTO park a couple of weekends ago and there were about 10 punks on BMXs being a pain in the ass by trying to do tricks on the benches and rails near the water and basically ruining everyone elses's enjoyment of the park. it only stopped when the Toronto police marine unit cruised by and had a word with them.
Thanks for the encouraging photos Mike. Marcus is correct in that the last pic is of Burnside in Portland but a neat collection nonetheless. Even Vancouver, which Hume seems to want Toronto to aspire to, has created the much touted Skate Plaza in conjunction with a large shoe company (DC), and the place attracts skaters of all abilities from around the world.

But wait, I forgot. The Gardiner is a barrier which needs to be torn down for d/t to work properly, not a covered space for countless facities which could be constucted at a fraction of the cost.
This is quite a gem of a little project. It definitely adds interest to this area. Canadians have always been very good at wood projects (pathways, overlooks, etc.). I hope we see more of this.

It looked like they were putting the finishing touches on things today. They were sanding down the benches a bit and touching up a few things.

I was thinking today that we really don't need to worry about skaters, old people falling in the water or even the aesthetics of the railings, but rather you have to wonder how long before someone starts carving "KL + TC = LUV" into the benches and the ground. Once it happens once, it spreads (anyone who has been to a park with wooden picnic tables can attest to that) and without a doubt it would have the potential to absolutely ruin these slips
^That is a sad possibility. Is there some sort of Waterfront Intelligarde that patrols the area? (Not that they'd deter much)
Waterfront Toronto has to be militant at removing any type of graffiti and tagging the day that it occurs. As jn_12 said, a little graffiti encourages more.
The problem is you can't remove etchings. If someone wants to carve something in to the wood you're looking at a high cost of repair or a lost fight.
they could sand it since it's all wood, but that would look really really bad. i'm sure they could have spare pieces of wood for the benches that could be replaced easily.
they could have a bit more work to do. I went for a sit on it over the weekend (break'n tha law! break'n tha law!) and it seemed a lot of the slats were loose, they moved about when i walked on them. My girlfriend had a bit of a time swinging around to face the water, too. I can't imagine the very old will be able to use it, or anyone if it's very busy; you need a least room for two to swing around.
I think we have to accept the fact that people are gonna etch stuff into the wood. It'll only be noticable when very close up. Just be happy that the people of Toronto have A LOT more respect that the people in New York.

I can see this head of slip, and the two other's being built looking good for a long time to come.
Well I'd like to see tickets given out to people for defacing property if they are caught. No warnings given, just an immediate ticket. Maybe if that's done from the beginning it will discourage it from happening.
