Have some sort of speaker could replace the governor, I think.
Umm so what's the Governor General now? Right now, the Governor General is our official unofficial international representative. Technically, she's supposed to be flying the Canadian colours at things like international summits, visiting the troops and as a parle-er with foreign countries to boost cooperation and other stuff. IMO, she should actually have more of that unofficial, showy power. The PM has enough to worry about, and if our head of state could sort of bulldoze the way ahead, it'd make it a lot easier for a (responsible,) PM to sow the seeds of progress, or trade, or whatever.
I also wish that there was proportional representation everywhere but in quebec.
How bout as exact proportional representation as possible? Merge some smaller rural ridings, and make new urban ones. Right now, the average Canadian riding contains about 130k people. The average GGH riding has over 200k people. Considering that the cities have the highest concentrations of Liberal and NDP voters, that creates a big inequality.
But I think it all comes down to the fragmentation of the political system. If each party worked together for progress through the entire country based on a certain ideology, things would be getting done. Instead, it's one party for one thing (Conservatives currently clinging to resource development in the West, Liberals Quebec-Windsor-centric, Bloc Quebecois obvoius.) The NDP are really the only party that's evenly spread out their agenda, but they're too far left and supporters are too mixed in in ridings dominated by other parties that they're currently a poor choice.
And why don't you want proportional representation in Quebec? That sounds kind of unfair and undemocratic, if you ask me. Giving them less of a vote is only going to make the wound deeper.