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H1N1 Info You Should Know

There is no such thing as a natural vaccine, and there never will be. And even if there were, being natural does not make it safe.

There are risks to taking the vaccine, and they are small and generally rare. The risk of not taking the vaccine is increased likelihood of contracting a particularly harmful strain of the influenza, one that has seen healthy, young adults in intensive care with supported breathing for up to two weeks. Not only do you increase your chances of contracting it, you increase the chances you will give it to someone you know, such as family, friends or coworkers. It might even kill them.

Now, balancing those risks, I am very willing to take the vaccine, even if it is not perfect.

I wish I didn't feel so unsure about the entire thing, only time will tell.
That is insane. You'd rather expose yourself to potentially deadly diseases than tolerate even the slightest chance of side-effect from a vaccine? Only in the west would someone have the luxury of being so foolish, because enough others take the vaccine that you can freeload. However, this freeloading has seen the return of previously eliminated diseases to North America, like the mumps.

Absolutely reckless.
I prefer a safe and natural vaccine to an unnatural one because I believe it's better for our body. I also believe that vaccines should only be taken when they are required and when taken they will only benefit the people for taking it.

what is a safe and natural vaccine? vaccines are not natural. they do not occur in nature without human intervention. even the needle that delivers the vaccine is not natural.
afg2001, will you never have sexual intercourse in your lifetime? because there is a chance of getting a STD? even condoms can't protect you 100% of the time against everything out there. but using a condom is better than using nothing at all. of course, you can abstain from sexual intercourse but that would be like moving into a cabin in the yukon, isolating yourself from society completely all in an attempt to avoid H1N1. but then you might have a 1 in 40000 chance of being eaten by a bear. :(
afg2001, will you never have sexual intercourse in your lifetime? because there is a chance of getting a STD? even condoms can't protect you 100% of the time against everything out there. but using a condom is better than using nothing at all. of course, you can abstain from sexual intercourse but that would be like moving into a cabin in the yukon, isolating yourself from society completely all in an attempt to avoid H1N1. but then you might have a 1 in 40000 chance of being eaten by a bear. :(

Condoms aren't natural and who know what those chemicals might do to your body. I recommend: A big pile of leaves tied together with twine.
Condoms aren't natural and who know what those chemicals might do to your body. I recommend: A big pile of leaves tied together with twine.

i tried that before. they caught on fire because of the friction. then smokey the bear showed up and had his way with my girlfriend. he told her that only she could prevent forest fires. ;)
In the October 2009 Vitality Issue that I picked up for free at the Big Carrot, Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, MD, S.Sc. wrote an article "Drugs You Don't Need - And The Best Natural Alternatives" "Vaccination Controversy". This doctor stated that he does not recommend the H1N1 flu shot, nor has he ever recommended any other flu shot. He also went on to state that "Media hype surrounding the impending swine influenza pandemic of 2009 has frightened many Canadians into desperately seeking flu vaccines and other potentially harmful prescriptions for protection from this perceived threat." He said that we should maintain an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to help prevent influenza. It's an interesting article, and I am glad that I read it.
I do want Canada to only approve a safe vaccine that uses natural ingredients. I consider things like Vitamin C safe and natural, but not things like mercury.
Ever heard of vitamin C overdose? Human and rat trials have shown toxic effects of vitamin C at high dosage, including death. Once again, all substances are toxins and it's only the dosage that makes the difference. You can overdose on water and die. And enough with this artificial distinction between "natural" and "artificial". As everyone else has already said, vaccines by definition are "unnatural" if you consider humans apart and separate from nature. If you don't want any food or drug that's unnatural, you better start going into the forest and gather and hunt for yourself, because all agricultural plants and animals are "unnatural" as they have all been genetically modified by humans through breeding and artificial selection.

Zoltan Rona is a quack medic who has been against vaccinations and suggesting "natural" alternatives to it. While I agree that there has been some level of overhype by the media during the early days of the H1N1 spread, the fact that H1N1 hasn't yet caused as much death as the seasonal flu is no reason to consider it a small threat; the major flu pandenmics of the past all started out weakly, and SARS killed less people in total than the average seasonal flu, is that a reason we should have just brushed it off?

Instead of getting your information from conspiracy theorists and quacks, I sincerely suggest that you read up more on actual scientific and medical literature rather than spreading misinformation.
"He said that we should maintain an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to help prevent influenza."

Vitamins will not prevent influenza.

I don't doubt that there are some medications that are worse than the disease or dysfunction they are meant to prevent, such as weight-loss drugs. A vaccine for H1N1 is not one of them.

I take it that if you do contract H1N1, you will dutifully stay away from the unnatural ER/ICU at your local hospital. I'm sure your vitamin C capsules will give you comfort as your lungs fill with fluid.
"He said that we should maintain an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to help prevent influenza."

Vitamins will not prevent influenza.

I don't doubt that there are some medications that are worse than the disease or dysfunction they are meant to prevent, such as weight-loss drugs. A vaccine for H1N1 is not one of them.

I take it that if you do contract H1N1, you will dutifully stay away from the unnatural ER/ICU at your local hospital. I'm sure your vitamin C capsules will give you comfort as your lungs fill with fluid.

Key words, " help prevent influenza"
Ah yes, good = natural and natural = good.

The bogus equation that underlies attacks on human innovation from both left wing, environmentalist, progressives and religious conservatives alike.

Natural is a slippery term and the fans of this bogus equation will apply as it suits their prejudices.

There is nothing unnatural about dying from a viral infection. Nothing unnatural about salmonella. Nothing unnatural about cancer or heart disease or dementia. There's nothing unnatural about being strangled by your umbilical cord as you're born.

There is nothing natural about a vitamin C tablet or a vaccine. Nothing natural about nuclear medicine or cardiac catheterization or ultra-sounds, but these all have their benefits.

You have to evaluate things by their demonstrated benefits and risks. Beware of quacks pushing natural and therefore good remedies.
As we continue to abuse this beautiful planet we call home, it will eventually eliminate us like a bad virus and then heal itself.

obviously. and it will use natural methods to do so. :p
I suspect it would take nuclear warfare or a large asteroid hitting the planet to kill all humans. Of course, you don't need to destroy humanity, just civilization.
