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Gun Control

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I also do not think it would be too much of a hardship for someone to have to give up their firearms, but I do not want the government to take away someone’s property under the false pretense of public safety. The politicians know it will not work but some still keep pushing for it because they know it makes them look good to gullible voters.

I want less crime, and I want fewer guns on our streets. The only way to do that is to punish the criminals who commit the crimes. It is already illegal for a criminal to possess a firearm in the first place, how would making it illegal for a law-abiding citizen with a firearms license to own one (or just a particular type of gun) stop a criminal from doing so?
Violence on TV

Remove all violent content of public TV.

The poor man when smoke crack and has nothing to do unless sit in front a TV can not watch a rape, killing or any othe form of violence.
Remeber that the poor kid, teen or adult has not 300 channels to zap and when you turn you public TV at 8:00 p.m. to watch a rape, and have no parents around because they both are working, well boy....then violence start to make part of your daily routine...

We have to avoid the violent behaivour not the gun control. The guns are already out of control. US have clear and unclear ways to send guns whereever they want.

So lets make the violence a difficult thing to watch!
Not that I am advocating a return to this, but I wonder what kind of correlation there is between our sedentary society today, and the society of our forefathers where military service was mandatory, with respect to the rise of violence.
We evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and the 'flight or fight' instinct is ingrained in us. Today, many thousands toil away at boring or menial jobs - or none at all, and the frustrations/stresses build. Where are the 'normal' stress relievers? Football? Baseball? We are natural born killers, so where are the outlets for those impulses?
If you lived on a farm 100 years ago, the average person would have gotten their fair share of killing and it their natural aggressions would have been worked out in productive ways. Military service, especially if an individual actually experienced combat, would also be an outlet for those aggressions.
It's too easy to blame violence on television or video games.
We have only been truly civilized for a few very short generations. I have looked at many of our social conventions today and those who rebel against them and wondered how we are going to deal with those individuals in the future. Sadly, I do not believe we are all created equal, at least not genetically. So much of it is left to luck or chance.
Remove Violent Content From Public Tv.


The poor guy who has no money, is drug addict, has no family structure has in most cases only a TV as entertainment. The same happens with children and teens.

Then when this people sit at 8:00 p.m. to watch a rape....or gang member dealing drugs and killing people for fun....then my friend....what do you expect to see on the streets?
^So before violence on television, what motivated the muggers, robbers, rapists, gangsters and so on? Those things predate television.
^So before violence on television, what motivated the muggers, robbers, rapists, gangsters and so on? Those things predate television.

Before the violence on television the violence was instintive. After that it is stimulative! When you see you repeat! We are all monkeys!

If you think that will be possible to remove guns from streets it is better you start calling mr. Bush to convence him stop fabricating his toys...

It will never happen.

Maybe reducing exhibition of violence on tv would reduce the stimulation to comit violent acts however if violence is not on TV the media would not survive!

So, let people kill people so we have enough to make TV shows!
Canada had conscription only in the world wars. We have never had mandatory military service outside of that. This thread has become a pop-psychology nightmare! We must stop Wil E. Coyote running off cliffs, because thousands will begin doing so!
Before the violence on television the violence was instintive. After that it is stimulative! When you see you repeat! We are all monkeys!

If you think that will be possible to remove guns from streets it is better you start calling mr. Bush to convence him stop fabricating his toys...

It will never happen.

Maybe reducing exhibition of violence on tv would reduce the stimulation to comit violent acts however if violence is not on TV the media would not survive!

So, let people kill people so we have enough to make TV shows!

I don't think violence on television necessarily causes violence, but it does give otherwise stupid people ideas. How many times have you watched a movie that gives a pretty detailed description of how to murder someone and hide your tracks, or pull off a bank robbery or whatever, and groaned then wondered how many nitwits just got a spark of inspiration?
Ah, the power of fiction to overstimulate the latent criminality of the stupid. It happens all the time at the opera, too - after seeing Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk a couple of seasons ago at the COC I stopped buying mushrooms at Loblaws for months afterwards for fear of poisoning.
I read somewhere that the Gotti crime family took fashion and deportment cues from 'Goodfellas' and 'Sopranos'.:p

Some of you are so comfortable with violence exhibited on TV/Movies that you are incapable to see how it affects your own behavior.

Take a look in how many conflicts arose after the Iraq invasion. How many more violence we have after the banalization of war scenes, torture, cruelty, unfair denomination for War etc....all of it explodes in can believe or not...

In Brazil they have 11 public channels, after 9:00 pm they have violent content in 9 of them. Go to Sao Paulo and take a walk ... and get back safe to tell us what you saw....whow remember that US sends legally and illegally fire arms for the hole south and central americas....

The mix of violent movies and violent content on the midia is nothing more than a plan to keep people insecure and to sell more fire arms....if you don't believe...just wait to see how much more arms you will see on the streets....

Stop the violent content on TV and you have no shows to run, no news...

I will die saying the same thing believe you or not!

Not everybody has 300 channels to ZAP!
Some of you are so comfortable with violence exhibited on TV/Movies that you are incapable to see how it affects your own behavior.

Take a look in how many conflicts arose after the Iraq invasion. How many more violence we have after the banalization of war scenes, torture, cruelty, unfair denomination for War etc....all of it explodes in can believe or not...

In Brazil they have 11 public channels, after 9:00 pm they have violent content in 9 of them. Go to Sao Paulo and take a walk ... and get back safe to tell us what you saw....whow remember that US sends legally and illegally fire arms for the hole south and central americas....

The mix of violent movies and violent content on the midia is nothing more than a plan to keep people insecure and to sell more fire arms....if you don't believe...just wait to see how much more arms you will see on the streets....

Stop the violent content on TV and you have no shows to run, no news...

I will die saying the same thing believe you or not!

Not everybody has 300 channels to ZAP!

When talking about all these violent impulses are you considering the general public or just the fantasies of 12-year old boys, because I don't see any connection with the former and little threat from the latter.

Curious you mention the Iraq War banalizing war, as it was largely the images of violence from the Vietnam War that turned American public opinion against it, which is why the war images from Iraq are far less common and more tightly controlled. Too much reality turns people off--think about it, did Abu Graib make the average person excited or disgusted?

As far as Brazil goes, I think you are forgetting the difference between the standard of living in the slums of Sao Paulo and elsewhere. It is the rampant poverty that creates much of the criminal behaviour that leads to violence as well as the spillover that affects other communities, not what's seen on TV. Or am I missing all the violence that's happening in gated communities in Sao Paulo or Malibu or on the French Riviera all of which, by the way, get just as much violent content beamed into their homes as the poor in the same nations? :confused:

But if there was a golden age of non-violence (or even less violence) please let me know when it existed, particularly if it happened in the 20th century but before the advent of TV.

Let's combine that an "Iraq War" never existed.
US invaded and destroyed a country in name of I don't know what.

So War is a War and Invasion is an Invasion.

US fight against insurgents...Well...if Us invade Canada would you agree? Or would you fight for your country....So...after an becomes war.... a war against people who does not agree with another country invading and destroying their land....beaultiful...

You know what....we all are brain whashed...good luck for all!

By the way....what do you think that is the reason for crime in Toronto? POOR PEOPLE TRYING TO SURVIVE! no choices when you live in basement...smoking Crack ...eating fast food...without opportunities...with no social interaction....and with a Violent content vomited inside your living room every night!

By the way You probably don't know neither the Sao Pulo Slums not the Torontonian ones....the role is a bit lower!
Sao Paulo and Toronto have the same caracteristics however with 80 years gap....
Toronto is a remake of Sao Paulo or Mexico City....Local government has no capabilities to understand that in this city there is enough Human resources to put a multicultural team capable of understanding and designing solutions for a better living for all....A single brai cannot drive such diversity we have here...and repeating the same errors that Sao Paulo, Rio, Managua, Quito, or anyother mega city did is a double mistake!

If we auto denominate ourselves "Racionals" do you think that "Violence" is a "Racional" way to solv a dispute?

Welcome to the brave world!
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