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These galleries also bring to mind the Stuart court in exile in France in the early 18th century, or Louis Philippe in exile at Twickenham in the early 19th century ... or perhaps more appropriately King Zog of Albania and his exiled court in the 1950s.
that is an amazing piece... any idea who the artist is?

Apparently the artists go by the names The Mac, and Reyes.

And UrbanShocker, you can sit and draw (poor) comparisons all day. Essentially everything can be loosely compared to something else, or appear derived. I see absolutely nothing in common with the piece I posted, and your linked examples. Except that they both use, uh, spray paint? Maybe that, but then I guess while we're at it Picasso was just ripping off Monet, I mean they both painted with oil paints. Unoriginal bastard.

In all of your infinite wisdom, what do you consider true, original and worthy art pieces.

edit. just wanted to add, maybe you'll be interested (well maybe not) in this movie: I think you should check it out.
Nothing new there. No different, really, from any other commercial supergraphics or advertising illustration. "Van art", for example:

commercial industry has been influenced by graffti art ,graff artist where painting on the side of trains, buses, trucks before it was fashionable to do so, every culture will eventually be used by advertising companies to sell products , they even use buddhism, and yoga to promote there product, but they came came way before those companies exsited

arguing whether graffiti is art or not with an old pretentious fart is a waste of time,
When in doubt, reach low for the ad hominem (old pretentious fart).

Did it occur to you that arguing for the notion that graffiti is art is also pretentious - in that you are attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent or culture to graffiti than what is actually there?
Somehow, I'm inclined to my own kind of agreement w/US: i.e. so-called graffiti art being overrated doggerel for the most part.

Though I'm tempted to take a "not that that's bad or anything" spin on that POV...
Perhaps this is not the time and place to ask but why is the dialogue in the art world (including architecture) such a bitchfest? I've found that if you ever want to generate the most inane banter put two or more architects or artists in the same room and pose a question. On their own individuals can be insightful and highly intelligent but together they find a way of obliterating all content and negating the meaning behind each other's arguments. I personally found this very disappointing because twice in my life I had the opportunity to join their ranks, once to art school once to architecture school but was completely turned off by the personalities and learning atmosphere and so chose a completely opposite path from engineering and into business.
When in doubt, reach low for the ad hominem (old pretentious fart).

Did it occur to you that arguing for the notion that graffiti is art is also pretentious - in that you are attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent or culture to graffiti than what is actually there?

I dont think im being prententious, i dont care if the dude likes graff or not , its just the way he's doing it, putting people down, calling people sub-human and stuff like that, disagree with me all you want about the graffiti, but you dont have to act like one art form is superior to the other, its all subjective,
At one point in history people where denying that jazz is music, who cares, people enjoy jazz so what would it matter?
i remmeber reading this article of this one women into classical music, she was arguing that drums is'nt a musical instrument and thats its just banging and stuff, who cares what she thinks, as long as it touches peoples spirits why should we try and impress her and care of her opinion
At one point in history people where denying that jazz is music, who cares, people enjoy jazz so what would it matter?
i remmeber reading this article of this one women into classical music, she was arguing that drums is'nt a musical instrument and thats its just banging and stuff, who cares what she thinks, as long as it touches peoples spirits why should we try and impress her and care of her opinion

But by extension, the same alibi can be used on behalf of this
If, as Roots claims, all art is subjective then our great galleries, museums and cultural institutions would be empty because nobody would be able to decide what to put into them. Of course there are standards of excellence in the arts.

Tagging the word "art" onto something of little creative originality and claiming that it's the artistic equivalent of everything else is as pretentious as it gets.
Well a local business near my home was given a warning to remove graffiti from its walls if not he will be fined,estimate removal I was told was $950.The owner of the property told the inspector if its tagged again would he have to remove it again at his cost,the answer was yes but the inspector usually gives a grace period on property that was cleaned thanks alot city hall.They dont stop the taggers but fines the property owner..idiots....

update: it cost $950 to paint the walls.....$2100 to remove it....its a stucco base so the owner didnt want the high pressure chemical water to clean it so he hired a local painter to paint it.$950 is for labor only...he has to buy the paint.
why is it in life that victims always have to be further victimized?
Good question. Since property owners have to bear the cost for cleaning up vandalism, then maybe they should take crime prevention and law enforcement into their own hands as well.
