And that's coming from where exactly? Dream about it as you're left waiting for the next train that might have seats on it. Fantasy is everyone having seats. Reality is having a ride, seat or not, and being lucky.
In case the point was missed:
As the UK south-east’s rail nightmare continues, a new class of commuter trains has been quietly revealed – long, metro-style carriages without tables, built to accommodate as many standing passengers as possible. Is this the new normal?
See that utility raceway underneath the window seats? Tell me folks, those with two legs...what do you do with the leg closest to the window?
And if you're a woman in a skirt? Hike one leg on top of it, and the other down, and hold a newspaper in front of the view? Or just a guy with pants? Do you shove your legs into the person's space next to you, or shove them across to the woman sitting opposite whose trying to find space for her legs too? Maybe you could interleave your legs with hers? Unfamiliar women just love that I'm told. Saw it on #MeToo.
Seriously, answers please.
Or do you take your legs off and carry them in a backpack? Claim funding is the answer to those standing on the platform who can't get seats. Brilliant logic there...