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Globe: Toronto needs strong mayor with veto power, Doug Ford says

If that's the case, then even more voted against Smitherman and Pantalone?!

Of course, but not that overwhelming majority as you claim it. A good portion of the city still voted against Ford, and he also needs to listen to that part of the city instead of blocking them out completely.
He doesn't look as hungry as his brother but I still can't imagine how much money that family spent on groceries every week.

And no, I can't resist the fat jokes.

Looks like RF is okay with his powers, and is vetoin his brothe'rs idea. A little sibling rivalry?

''My brother is not the mouthpiece,†he said. “I’m always available. I tell you, it’s pretty hard to hide 300 pounds of fun.â€
Rob Ford did not receive a majority of votes cast in the October 2010 municipal election.

Honestly, Toronto could use some changes to its governance model, including elements of a strong mayor system. It's not fair to be against it just because the current mayor is a dope.
Looks more like the two are playing mind games. Somehow I keep thinking back into the roles of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and Abulurd Rabban as engineered by Baron Vladimir Harkonnenin in Frank Herbert's Dune.

Hmmmm, some people here didn't seem to question the legitimacy of the mandate under Miller or with respect to Miller's platform.
Well, acknowledging RF's authority in the position he is elected to is one thing - you also have to acknowledge that Miller or his proxy didn't suggest usurping the authority of council, which is not RF's mandate.

Team Ford

I support the Ford brothers and I support the notion of a stronger mayor. I think Miller would have been more effective as well. The check on his powers comes every four years. The people elected him with a strong mandate now let him get things done. If you don't like what he's doing then vote him out.
I support the notion of a stronger mayor.
The check on his powers comes every four years.

This is actually not true. Municipal governance is about LOCAL government. There are no checks and balances if a Mayor has veto powers, etc, that can effectively block the wishes of a large percentage of your jurisdiction every election. A mayor's main concern is everyone in the city...a councillors main concern is the constituents of their ward...that is where the checks and balances lie. Ford's biases are off the charts, and therefore it is absurd to even mention the idea of a "stronger mayor" given who is currently mayor.

The people elected him with a strong mandate now let him get things done

He was not elected on a "strong" mandate at all (we'll forget for a moment that imaginary "gravy trains" is not even a mandate). The mayor does not represent a ruling "party", and if it were so to speak, it would be a "minority" government. And as a minority government, he must rely on his ability to persuade a majority of votes to pass whatever he presents to council.

A veto power for Ford would not be the worse case scenario, as all he would be able to do is squash any sensible ideas that might come by. As long as council can "veto" any of HIS moronic ideas he might try to pass, I'm happy.
He was not elected on a "strong" mandate at all (we'll forget for a moment that imaginary "gravy trains" is not even a mandate). The mayor does not represent a ruling "party", and if it were so to speak, it would be a "minority" government. And as a minority government, he must rely on his ability to persuade a majority of votes to pass whatever he presents to council.
Of course Ford has no actual governing majority in Council, but winning what essentially was a three-person race (and with no incumbent) by the margin he did strikes me as being a fairly large mandate in municipal terms.
Looks more like the two are playing mind games. Somehow I keep thinking back into the roles of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and Abulurd Rabban as engineered by Baron Vladimir Harkonnenin in Frank Herbert's Dune.


With a little extra meat on him, Doug F. can always go for the position of Jabba the Hut.
Of course Ford has no actual governing majority in Council, but winning what essentially was a three-person race (and with no incumbent) by the margin he did strikes me as being a fairly large mandate in municipal terms.

When more people vote against you than vote for you, you have no mandate at all...let alone a "fairly large" one.

But what was the policy for which he campaigned and won reduce wasteful spending and stopping the "gravy train"? Hey...who doesn't support that.

He said he was going to cut spending in 2011 by $526.6 million
Well, did he do that?
No...he INCREASED spending instead.

He said he was going to reduce city staff
Well, did he do that?
No...he INCREASED staff instead.

He said he would not cut services ("I guarantee it")
Well, did he do that?
No...he cut services

He said he would freeze taxes
Well, did he do that
Yes he did...but he did increase fees for water and garbage (the difference between "taxes" and "fees" is basically semantics)

And that's just the intelligible parts of his campaign...the rest of his gibberish who knows what fantasies they are.

So how did he manage to balance the cleaning out the entire 2009 & 2010 surpluses in one giant gulp (his favourite size).
So much for that "gravy train" eh? 10 years of talking about it, and where is it? Gravy trains are like WMD's in Iraq...they never really existed, but it gets you there, doesn't it?
But why would this be surprising when it's coming from a proven pathological lier.

His own budget chief has estimated the deficit for 2012 to be $774 million. And this includes a revenue increase of $25 million over the current $200 million the land transfer brings in.
But wait, Robbie campaigned on vowing to get rid of it in 2012. So if he's telling the truth, then that $774 million deficit is now more like a $1 billion deficit. And no Miller era surpluses and uploads to factor in any more.

And he's gonna balance that one with no tax increases, no service cuts and money-losing subways running to Walmart by 2015 (and ridding us of those ghastly, profit making, ridership increasing streetcars), reduced debt and a $1.7 billion surplus at the end of his term.

Right. Pull this leg and it plays Jingle Bells.

No thanks...I think I'll stick to Council running things.
With a little extra meat on him, Doug F. can always go for the position of Jabba the Hut.

Actually, I was thinking if we could get him to lose a whole lot of weight instead, we could end up with....


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So what you're saying is almost no politician has any mandate at all. Interesting.

Some juridications have a runoff election between the top two candidates for a president. A pope requires a two-thirds majority of the cardinals to be elected. In those cases, they would have a clear mandate.
