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G-20 Summit in Toronto

Bay & King

What a bunch of weenies. They all look like their hair's still wet from the amount of swirlies they were given in high school through university.

I will be interested to find out the profile of these people who are destroying our city. From these photos and others it looks like they are mostly young white males (and a few females)...
What we need right now is a Vigilante gang. These Black Bloc goons need the favour returned.
The police are acting reactionary too though. Why the hell would they kick protesters out of the 'designated protesting area'. It's just sad all around.
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I will be interested to find out the profile of these people who are destroying our city. From these photos and others it looks like they are mostly young white males (and a few females)...

living a priveleged life isn't enough for them

Here are some of the criminal low-lifes. Get their faces out there. Send these to everyone!






^ Caught on video - G20 Toronto Vandals / Criminals black clad bottom-feeders captured changing their clothes - Photo evidence
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At the end of th day, I will bet my life this whole thing didn't cost more than $150 million, not $1 billion.

And the damage these goons inflicted was pathetically minor. Why won't any girls do us a favour and date one of these guys? They seem so....frustrated.
What we need right now is a Vigilante gang. These Black Bloc goons need the favour returned.
The police are acting reactionary too though. Why the hell would they kick protesters out of the 'designated protesting area'. It's just sad all around.

You read my mind. Where do I sign up?
What we need right now is a Vigilante gang. These Black Bloc goons need the favour returned.
The police are acting reactionary too though. Why the hell would they kick protesters out of the 'designated protesting area'. It's just sad all around.

The G20 leaders and their entourages will be safe in the security zone, but as usual it is the little people that suffer, at the hands of the vandals - shopkeepers, perhaps victims of other crimes or medical emergencies who might not get as much attention in the chaos, all of us who will have to pay extra taxes or insurance.

I agree with Second_in_pie - if they knew that these vandals come to every G summit, and that they could not secure a built-up area in the core of a large city, they should not have held the summit here, but in another setting.

It is rather scary that a few dozen individuals can cause this damage in our city without being stopped. What if, for example, on some other day a few dozen racist individuals set out to loot all the stores belonging to a particular ethnic group, or worse? It does make one think that, if property owners had known about this threat (and if intelligence agencies knew about it, they should have made it public), and that it was not possible for the police to protect them, they might have planned to defend themselves. I want to emphasize that I don't mean that the police are not doing what they can - on the contrary, the frontline officers are doing a very difficult and brave job. However, maybe it is just not possible to totally secure a large city, and the government priority will always be on protecting the leaders.
What a bunch of weenies. They all look like their hair's still wet from the amount of swirlies they were given in high school through university.

Can you say, rebels without a cause? ;)

The latest I've heard is so far is that over 130 arrests have been made and most are being detained at Pape and Eastern. The latest protest uprising in front of the Novotel Hotel in St Lawrence is now under control.
I went to see what the commotion was all about...

...and to be honest it was a very sad show for the security forces. I went around 8 pm, and saw a fairly minimal number of protesters. The ration of cops to civilians was almost 1 to 1, and most of the people milling around were either gawkers such as myself of people looking for trouble. On two different occasions, I saw the security forces act in an extremley unprofessional manner.

1. Around 51st division, the cops formed a barrier 40 men wide and 4 rows deep, taking up the entire street. The banged their shields, yelled a few "hu ha's", chanted their meathead macho-man shouts and started marching into the crowd. The crowds would step back, 30-40 meters, untill the cops would cease their advance. Then they would go back, and then repeat.

2. At bloor and devonshire, right next to the UofT Varsity centre, the same thing happened but with mounted officers instead. They would push the crowd up to bloor, and then retreat. The crowd would walk maybe 5-10 meters down on devonshire, only to be pushed back to bloor again.

I overheard some of the cops talking about how dissapointing it all was, that they'd come down here expecting some action and it was all very boring instead. All in all it was a really pathetic, useless show for both sides, especially since the role of securty forces is to de-escalate tense situations. Instead they really got on peoples' nerves and it was quite amazing to see the kind of multiplying effect that a crowd can have on peoples' tensions.

I wish the next time our dear prime minister decides to pull of a circus like this one that he stick it in his beloved Alberta and see how well that goes over. All this will do is portray Toronto in a terrible light and justify the jumbo-budget for the whole debacle
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Sounds like you missed out on a lot, as I'd hardly say that overall there was a minimal amount of protesters. Even if it's only a small group responsible, as soon as people start acting like they did this afternoon, I think it's time for the protesters to pack it in. Most of the people I observed lost sight of any cause they had anyway, and their chants devolved to the same "fuck the police/banks/corporations/etc." dribble we've heard a million times before. Also, as it's been noted by many people already, why are these protesters and pseudo-anarchists always young white people? Life must really have them down. And besides, I'm sure most of them don't give a damn about the causes they're supposedly fighting for during the other 364 days of the year. The G20 is just a convenient excuse for these people to act like asses.

Now please, let's get these losers out of our city.
^ It's protestor logic 101. Stand in a corner peacefully humming cum-by-yah, the media ignores 'em. Blow up police cruisers and smash in business windows, international media frenzy.

Part of me was excited when I turned on the news tonight though, seeing all the bedlam; and through it all no reported serious injuries or fatalities as of yet. Otherwise I'd asking Harper what did all of our money go towards.
Well, like i said, I dind't have a chance to go out there untill about 8pm. I went down on university over to king, and then back up through UofT. By 10 pm the streets were literally empty, so indeed, I may have missed out on most of the commotion. I did notice few d***bags teasing and taunting the cops, but this still does not excuse the lack of professionalism exhibited by the cops. I mean, what was the point of their macho-man chants and shield banging. This is the G20 event, not some frat boy superbowl celebration.
Fresh Start

Most of the violent ones were not championing any cause at all, they were there to act like asses. I believe this will in fact detract from many of the causes that were put forth by those who assembled peacefully. Just read some of the comments on other news sites like MSN or yahoo and how people perceive these 'protests'. It is a disgrace all around.
Personally, I'm an anarchist's anarchist. That is, I'd rather go down to the scene of the action carrying a megabomb in order to blow everyone up within a 3-kilometer radius. That'll show those pseudo-anarchists what kinds of wusses they really are

Careful there. Those kinds of words might be taken the wrong way.
Appalling! The destruction...

You spray paint buildings I love. You destroy plants and trees. I guess you decide that, whatever country you come from, that you can come to my city and create havoc....because playing Wii or Nintendo in your parents' basement for the last few years (while not actually getting a job) means something to anyone who works. I hate you and I hate your agenda.

Which buildings were spray painted or have been heavily vandalized?
