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Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

So much of these posts above are self congratulatory wishful thinking. But tens of millions of Americans support him, we can't discount Trump as a fool. If the Democrats put forth the wrong candidate, especially (and as a father of daughters, and a supporter of gender equality it pains me to say) any woman in Nov 2020, my guess is Trump wins again.

Yet Hilary got more votes last time, and a lot of people stayed home apparently. This time around Trump has displayed his inadequacy for office time and time again with no remorse or even understanding. It can't come down to man against woman this time around..... the stuff of nightmares though.
So much of these posts above are self congratulatory wishful thinking. But tens of millions of Americans support him, we can't discount Trump as a fool. If the Democrats put forth the wrong candidate, especially (and as a father of daughters, and a supporter of gender equality it pains me to say) any woman in Nov 2020, my guess is Trump wins again.

Trump is just not all that bad of a President, which is what a silent but determined plurality of Americans are coming to realize. The economy is booming, unemployment at its lowest in recorded history, peace treaties and trade agreements abound.

If Trump had a (D) behind his title instead of a (R) methinks the glowing praise would never end. When the worse thing you can criticize him for is how he got into office, more so than anything he's actually done in office then that's where the disconnect lies for most average voters. I mean, I detest Trudeau but I don't fault him for winning elections. When the Democrats can come up with actual policy planks upon which to judge them by, and not MuhRussia, Orange Man Bad bullshit, perhaps then they'll have a platform people can get behind and be excited about.
So much of these posts above are self congratulatory wishful thinking. But tens of millions of Americans support him, we can't discount Trump as a fool. If the Democrats put forth the wrong candidate, especially (and as a father of daughters, and a supporter of gender equality it pains me to say) any woman in Nov 2020, my guess is Trump wins again.

I can see his supporters and backers using Donald to get their "agenda" or "suggestions" without any research or investigations.
Yet Hilary got more votes last time, and a lot of people stayed home apparently. This time around Trump has displayed his inadequacy for office time and time again with no remorse or even understanding. It can't come down to man against woman this time around..... the stuff of nightmares though.
The Dems seem to focus on appealing to those who are reluctant or unable to vote. Illegals, young, poor, POC, etc. The GOP appeals to those who are able and very willing to vote.
Trump is just not all that bad of a President, which is what a silent but determined plurality of Americans are coming to realize. The economy is booming, unemployment at its lowest in recorded history, peace treaties and trade agreements abound.

If Trump had a (D) behind his title instead of a (R) methinks the glowing praise would never end. When the worse thing you can criticize him for is how he got into office, more so than anything he's actually done in office then that's where the disconnect lies for most average voters. I mean, I detest Trudeau but I don't fault him for winning elections. When the Democrats can come up with actual policy planks upon which to judge them by, and not MuhRussia, Orange Man Bad bullshit, perhaps then they'll have a platform people can get behind and be excited about.


Lets put aside the unending list of embarrassments and vulgarities that spew from his mouth; and the damage they cause; just for a moment.

Lets instead go for what used to be a classic Conservative/Republican talking point, the deficit. It has exploded under Trump, with no end in sight. The deficit when Trump took over was in the range of 587B.

Today its cresting 984B and set to rise; in a 'good' economy.

So, certainly his fiscal management skills don't seem great.

What trade treaties abound that matter?

We're finishing up year 3 of Trump, and he snuffed the TPP; has no deal w/the E-U, and the new NAFTA hasn't yet been ratified.

The latter makes very few changes that will matter to a typical American, they are largely cosmetic/bureaucratic with some updates to cover modern advancements in electronic commerce, biological drugs and the like.

Its one accomplishment, arguably, would raise the wages of Mexican workers in certain factories; but not to a level that will see any of those jobs repatriated to the U.S.

So let's turn to Health Insurance shall we?

America still had serious problems in this space at the end of the Obama years, though he had driven the uninsured rate down to about 11% by 2016, down from a high 18% in 2013.

Under Trump, that number has climbed to 13.7%

So, let's sum up shall we:

Trump has doubled the deficit, during good economic times.
Trump has seen an significant increase in the number of Americans without health insurance.
Trump has accomplished....just about nothing
Trump has been a jackass throughout the above.

I wouldn't call that success no matter what label you put on it.
Pretty weird that Pelosi is announcing the articles of impeachment and at the same time handing Trump a win by approving the USMCA.

You'd think that they'd at least hold off on the later, unless their delay in passing it is hurting their internal polls.
the new NAFTA hasn't yet been ratified.

I wouldn't call that success no matter what label you put on it.

Pretty weird that Pelosi is announcing the articles of impeachment and at the same time handing Trump a win by approving the USMCA.

You'd think that they'd at least hold off on the later, unless their delay in passing it is hurting their internal polls.

You were saying @Northern Light ?

I'm telling y'all, history will vindicate Trump. And I love how all your 'fact-checking' magically glanced over my point about the record unemployment. Remember Obama said unemployment under 7% was impossible and unachievable and y'all fell for it.
You were saying @Northern Light ?

I'm telling y'all, history will vindicate Trump. And I love how all your 'fact-checking' magically glanced over my point about the record unemployment. Remember Obama said unemployment under 7% was impossible and unachievable and y'all fell for it.

I fell for nothing.

I don't recall that Obama quote, but for the moment I'll let that stand unchallenged .............with the admonition that U.S. unemployment was 4.9% on the last day of Obama's presidency.

I would further ad; the US labour force participation rate remains well below its peak at roughly 63% today vs 67% at its peak. That's not all on Trump or Obama, and part of it has to do w/fewer teens dropping out of school, a good thing.

However; its also worth adding that if you are adding back all those missing workers, unemployment in the US today would be reported at 7.7%; further part-time employment remains above its historic lows of the 1960s/70s when it was 13% of all U.S. jobs; whereas today its 17.7%. In fairness to your fearless leader, that number is down from its peak.

You also still haven't read the USMCA Trade Pact and explained why its such an achievement; and yes, I have read it, every word.

I'm fine with you saying Trump hasn't been awful at everything or more accurately has kept his paws off certain things; or for that matter that you support the trade of long-term debt for short-term stimulus. I think its bad public policy, but you're entitled to your preference.

What does offend me is that you lazily parrot his talking points while doing a grand total of zero research to support them; and show no nuance or grace in your debating points.
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Shooting in Jersey City leaves 6 dead, including police officer and three civilians

A police detective, three civilians and two suspects were killed Tuesday afternoon during a standoff and shootout in Jersey City, authorities said.

US governor issues 428 pardons during final days in office

Former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin issued 428 pardons in his final days in office, a list that includes multiple violent offenders.

The Republican pardoned a convicted child rapist as well as a convicted murderer whose brother raised money for Mr Bevin's election campaign.

Mr Bevin was defeated by Democrat Andy Beshear in November after a contentious election.

The flurry of pardons sent shockwaves through the state's legal system.

State prosecutors told local media they had not been consulted on Mr Bevin's decision, and families of the victims were not notified in advance.

91 profitable Fortune 500 companies paid $0 in taxes in 2018 under Trump's tax law

Kristin Myers
Yahoo Finance December 16, 2019

Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 91 profitable Fortune 500 companies paid $0 in taxes on U.S. income in 2018, according to a new report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). Across all 379 profitable companies in the Fortune 500 the effective tax rate was just 11.3%, just over half the 21% tax rate under the law.

“In 2018, the 379 companies earned $765 billion in pretax profits in the United States,” the report noted. “Had all of those profits been reported to the IRS and taxed at the statutory 21% corporate tax rate, the 379 companies would have paid almost $161 billion in income taxes in 2018.”

Instead, the companies only paid $86.8 billion, roughly 54% of what they owed.

