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"First Class" travels on TTC subway trains.


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Feb 27, 2014
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Had a thought... while watching a Youtube video of the early days of travel by train in England:

LOTS of fun stuff, but watch for the bit about "high fashion" travels especially via the "Pullman Cars" and "special" trains.

So the thinking here is to add "nicer" TTC subway train sections (with bigger, comfy seat/chairs, more room, etc.) and to charge something extra for this travel. (To make it a "money maker" for the TTC?)

Table service anyone?

May occur to some that others may not enjoy traveling by "Cattlemaran-style" TTC?
So the thinking here is to add "nicer" TTC subway train sections (with bigger, comfy seat/chairs, more room, etc.) and to charge something extra for this travel. (To make it a "money maker" for the TTC?)
Kinda tough with the Toronto Rockets open design...
Hehe... Not sure Paris charged enough. ;) Guess is, some folks will pay plenty extra sometimes just to avoid downtown "nightmare". Parking, etc.
Re Paris again:
"For French riders already nostalgic for the first-class cars, though, not all is lost because the rapid suburban subway system known as the R.E.R. will still sweep through Paris with two classes. And for visitors from New York, well, the Metro will still be a model of cleanliness, safety and efficiency that they would love to see copied back home."

... now thinking to experiment with sections of new trains to/from the airport. ;)
Kinda tough with the Toronto Rockets open design...
Not really and can be done.

You Destinate one of the lead car as being first class with a butler at the end to keep the low class out and another in the car to chase the low class out to offering drinks to the first class, You can even paint both the inside and outside to reflect the first class so the low class know not to get on it in the first place. The first class fare would be higher to reflect the upgrade for them as well the nice plush seating for them.

Doing this will mean longer wait time for the low class to get on trains since they will have one less car available to them.

I will have a tea, a brisket and please tell the lower class to the quite as I try to get a shut eye.;)
No first-class cars, but I think it would be a good idea for TTC to have women-only cars on trains to prevent sexual assaults and harassment, whcih has become a major topic recently.
No first-class cars, but I think it would be a good idea for TTC to have women-only cars on trains to prevent sexual assaults and harassment, whcih has become a major topic recently.
Segregate by sex? Good grief, where does all this misogyny come from lately?

And what's the basis? If you look at the assault statistics, assaults on males are more frequent than assaults on females ...
Folks. First post I said: To make it a "money maker" for the TTC. So for example entrance only by prepaid/coded tickets. Local artists can perform on weekly "events". Off "rush hour" times I expect the TTC already has some trains "out of service" for cleaning and maintenance. So just swap some of those for some "Event Rides" train sections where folks get on to travel back and forth for hours? It can become a rolling advertisement for future... events. Clubs ("tourists") from out of town might book a train section( or two) that travels back and forth where Club Members might get off long enough to visit some part of Toronto? Then get back on again when the train shows up again?

In the Youtube video I was watching (see above) there was a bit where one train route has an annual "period dress up" event. Folks dress up "to the nines" based on life about 70 years ago.
There will absolutely not be class separated subway cars, and there most definitely will not be gender segregated cars. We all bleed red on the inside, so we can all be stuffed into the same subways cars. Just remember be put on deodorant because you (yes, YOU, the person reading this) smell.

Thanks everyone :)
