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Dufferin Street: Eliminating the jog

Just thinking outside the box. I used to live near Lansdowne/Dupont so naturally the Galleria and Dufferin Mall were where I did most of my shopping. At times, especially winter, it's inhospitabe walking down to the mall from the subway and otherwise it's a long wait then overcrowding on the 29. It's okay to expect better than what is. I even thought big stores like the Bay and Sears could move in, by shuffling around some retailers to the new wing of the mall that would extend out to the subway tunnel. Urban fantasy perhaps but not remotely as exaggerative as the suggestion of an underground streetcar line beneath Dufferin.

Denty: in 2008, big stores like the Bay and Sears aren't moving in anywhere. They're dinosaurs.

It's okay to expect better than what is.

And within Dufferin Mall's environs, "better than what is" means keeping the place in check, not a Yorkdale/Fairview-scaled megaexpansionupdatesubwayconnection. Jutta Mason's minions would toss your notion of "better than what is" back out into suburban hicksville, along with those other so-called bright ideas tangentially offered in this thread such as a Lansdowne/Queen jog elimination.

That said, may I repeat that there was consideration t/w "moving Dufferin Mall north" some time back, and IIRC it was less of an expansion gambit than a proposed land-swap gambit (i.e. w/most of the existing mall site redeveloped, etc)
Jog removal tendered

The Dufferin Jog removal has been tendered. Bidding closes on July 30th. It is possible that work will begin this fall.
cool! haven't heard form this project for a while. hope to see lots of pics!
It's only being tendered NOW? Ye gods the wheels of bureaucracy turn mighty slow in this city.
Ye gods the wheels of bureaucracy turn mighty slow in this city.

Good thing too. If you look at everything that is proposed and has legs to last a single budget cycle, you begin to jump up and down praising the fact it takes 5+ years for new stuff to get off the ground.

Bad ideas take 3 years to die. Heck, some expensive toys like the front street extension have legs for much longer than that.
For all my criticism, I don't think Transit City, for the most part, as a whole, is a bad idea. I think routes like Eglinton-Crosstown and Finch will be great. It's the implementation, the "streetcar in every ward" final result and some of the details (like Sheppard Transfer City), and the over ideological anti-subway, pro-streetcar thought that gets in the way.

Oh, and the Front Street Extension is dead. Officially dead.
Good thing too. If you look at everything that is proposed and has legs to last a single budget cycle, you begin to jump up and down praising the fact it takes 5+ years for new stuff to get off the ground.

Bad ideas take 3 years to die. Heck, some expensive toys like the front street extension have legs for much longer than that.

Living in Parkdale I first heard of this project back in 1997, price tag back then was 11 million
11 years later what is it 100 million.
This area is really getting congested with all the new development around
Its great to hear they are finally going ahead.
Yet a bad idea like Transit City moves forward without question.

You will notice Transit City did not have the requisite 5+ year gestation period yet. The bureaucracy was bypassed, both at City Hall (development of the plan without a bazillion committee meetings) and with the public (EAs for public transportation have been severely short-curcuitted).

So you've kinda proven your own point. The "wheels of bureaucracy turn mighty slow in this city" and it is a good thing that they do.
The path of the new road is visible in the cleared land.

I really wish they'd do this with Lansdowne at Queen. Really, it should have been done about 50 years ago.
