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Does Faith Goldy et al have a point???

In the Islamic world If you are gay and act on it, you will be severely punished or killed under sharia Law. They have "sharia police" or "Morality police" Who enforce the barbaric stone age law.

Those billions of Muslims need to advocate for reforming Islam to fit with 21st century norms on Women and Gay rights.

SHARIA police lashed an Indonesian woman 100 times after she was accused of being in a private place with a man who was not her husband.

Outrage as nine Sudanese women face 40 lashes for wearing trousers
Rights groups say arrest of Christians is further evidence of routine discrimination against non-Muslims, frequently punished for ‘indecent dress’

Briton jailed for three months in Dubai for touching man's hip

Jamie Harron, from Stirling, claimed he was simply trying to avoid spilling his drink in a bar when he touched the man

Women in Iran are cutting their hair short and dressing as men in a bid to bypass state 'morality' police who rigorously enforce penalties for not wearing a hijab.

This Is What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law | VICE on HBO

And yet many Liberals will still defend Islam to the death, and anyone who criticizes the religion is automatically labeled an Islamophobe
Inhumane behaviour is the egregious violation of an individual's right to exist in peace.

I'm invoking the intrinsic morality based on humanity's biological evolution.

Of course I'm assuming there is such a thing as good. Good is the altruistic furthering of another individual's wellbeing. Evil is its opposite.
Morality based on religious dogma has time and again been used as justification for the violation and degradation of the wellbeing of certain people or groups of people.

See: Canadian residential schools, Daesh's "caliphate", etc
Let's get some facts straight. First of all, this thread is a dumpster fire full of strawmen and fear-mongering.

Secondly, even the most lefty-left, social-progressive types do not want Sharia Law in Canada. Accepting and advising for our Muslim friends' right to a peaceful and fulfilling life in Canada does not represent an endorsement of Sharia Law, or that we agree with every aspect of the religion, etc. This thread seems based on the premise that left-wing people or progressives are naively allowing a Muslim way of life to take over, or that gay rights and women's rights are under a dramatic attack from Muslim Canadians. I have yet to see a shred of evidence for this. As with any group in the population, there are incidents relating to questionable treatment of women and LGBT, but we have laws in place to ensure that this is not tolerated.

A lot of the people who go after Islam for its treatment of women, LGBT, etc., are completely silent on women's issues or equality until it involves Muslims. That should tell you everything you need to know about where they actually stand. It's those despised lefties (who in this thread are portrayed as naive, uninformed and allowing Canadians' way of life to be dismantled, apparently) - the same ones who accept Muslims with open arms - who are soberly keeping tabs on the state of women's rights, LGBT rights, and other rights in Canada. Advocating and being friends to Muslim Canadians doesn't change that. In fact - now imagine this - there are female and LGBT people within that population!

You don't have to love Islam but you are kidding yourself if you think Canadian institutions, law, or stances on human rights are changing because of Muslims moving to Canada. Please spare the theatrics and strawmen. And maybe, if capable, you should consider being open to making friends or social connections who are Muslim so that you can temper your paranoia with a dose of reality, or at least engage in meaningful discussion outside of your paranoid echo chamber.

But by all means, post more articles about Indonesian lashings or Saudi Arabian stonings and pretend that it bears any relation to what is happening in Canada.
