Discovery Condos (Concord Park Place) - Real Estate -

I can't see it being any more than 5 feet by 5 feet, really tiny, I can't see it holding that much. Can't believe it was 2500 for one! How much is it now?
I still don't get the "policy" on: you can only buy 1 parking space with a 2 bedroom + den unit ...

my family is downsizing from a house to condo .. we have a unit with 2 bedroom + den .... but concord only "allow" us to buy 1 parking space ...

we are looking for a second parking space for my car .... buying it or renting it ( rent for short term while waiting to buy one)

where we can go about it ? who should we talk to ?

we are almost the first batch of people to move in .... so there is not a lot of people "owning" a parking space to rent to us ....

can i park my car at the visitor parking spot for now ?

our last backup plan is me + my car not living there at all ... and i go find something else.

i have to figure out this very soon .. there is only 3 more weeks before i move in ...

any suggestions ?

u can try parking at ikea, canadian tire or ttc lot for now
thank you for your suggestions.

a few of you had reply my concern .. so thank you .

well... these few days did some phones calls around regarding about parking, so just let you know about the info ...

call to concord customer care line, they saying they don't know much about it, then forward my call to the actual sale center, they saying that they only deal with "buying" only, unfortunately all the current parking space is already sold out , ( they seems to have building "enough" parking space for building A and B only, and "suppose" building D an E only get "limited" parking space only).

So a lot of ppl on building D an E already on the waiting list ... which is quite LONG. Sale center not sure about the "renting" , it will up to the management company .

Contact management company, they saying not sure what to do yet, they starting to put together a welcome package as of now, they "MAY" create a signup list for who need extra space , or who willing to rent out their space. BUT for sure, no perm parking on the visitor parking space and "there will be security ppl go around the visitor parking lot and check".

management company will let me know more if they have decide something, if not, then i will head to the office and ask them on Nov 30 directly ( move in in Building A starts on 1 dec )

we did took another locker or upsize it (not sure what my mom did), since we have 2 sets of winter tires to put into the locker.

still not sure what to do yet .... but will keep my eye open.
a few of you had reply my concern .. so thank you .

well... these few days did some phones calls around regarding about parking, so just let you know about the info ...

call to concord customer care line, they saying they don't know much about it, then forward my call to the actual sale center, they saying that they only deal with "buying" only, unfortunately all the current parking space is already sold out , ( they seems to have building "enough" parking space for building A and B only, and "suppose" building D an E only get "limited" parking space only).

So a lot of ppl on building D an E already on the waiting list ... which is quite LONG. Sale center not sure about the "renting" , it will up to the management company .

Contact management company, they saying not sure what to do yet, they starting to put together a welcome package as of now, they "MAY" create a signup list for who need extra space , or who willing to rent out their space. BUT for sure, no perm parking on the visitor parking space and "there will be security ppl go around the visitor parking lot and check".

management company will let me know more if they have decide something, if not, then i will head to the office and ask them on Nov 30 directly ( move in in Building A starts on 1 dec )

we did took another locker or upsize it (not sure what my mom did), since we have 2 sets of winter tires to put into the locker.

still not sure what to do yet .... but will keep my eye open.

whats the sq footage of your placE?
Anyone here actually moving in during the beginning of December? What is the planned move-in schedule? Do the folks in Building A move in December 2011, then Building B = Jan 2012, Building D = Feb 2012 and Building E = March 2012?

for me, our family will get the keys in the first week of dec ...

but my mom decided to re-paint all the walls ... she saying the wall is too white ... and may be adding something here and there..

since we are downsizing from house to condo, it seems most furniture is way too big for the unit ... so we have to buy everything again .... from bed & mattress to dinning table ....literally everything again

at the mean time, i have to find another parking space ( either buying or renting ) for my car ..

Hopefully ..... i can move in before christmas ... :)

it seems you have the right move-in schedule.... B= Jan, D= Feb, E= Mar ...
i am from toronto ... selling my house and moving to condo ..... too much work for maintaining a house .... :)

will be moving into building A
So just got my closing costs from the lawyer. Nothing too unexpected, except the occupancy fees. That's a bit higher than I was expecting. It's $1036 a month, pretty big chunk of change. And of course another 5%.

I hear from my agent that they aren't doing assignments until at least 2 days after occupancy. Should be interesting to see what people are asking for.
Hi Tekguy,

Very interesting!! I know occupancy fees will vary depending on the size of the unit but would you say that is reflective of what you expect to pay monthly based on your mortgage with maintenance fees included?
With property taxes and maintenance fees on top of the mortgage, I was prepared to pay $1500 a month. To be honest, I was hoping to have sold it already and not deal with any of the monthly fees. My original plan was to move in when I was single... but a lot has changed since signing in 2007. After buying a house instead in 2009, I decided to hang on to this condo as rental income. Since we're buying ANOTHER house before this condo even closes (just shows how long the delay has been), we have decided to sell and use put the money into the new house.
With property taxes and maintenance fees on top of the mortgage, I was prepared to pay $1500 a month. To be honest, I was hoping to have sold it already and not deal with any of the monthly fees. My original plan was to move in when I was single... but a lot has changed since signing in 2007. After buying a house instead in 2009, I decided to hang on to this condo as rental income. Since we're buying ANOTHER house before this condo even closes (just shows how long the delay has been), we have decided to sell and use put the money into the new house.

are you selling the other house from 2009 and upgrading, or just buying another house for rental purposes?
No, I'm not a property mogul. Selling the house and upgrading. BTW, if you plan on keeping the condo and you signed before 2007, you will get a credit for the MLTT. I had to remind my lawyer about that, since he I wouldn't be entitled to any land transfer tax credits. Not to be confused with the first time home buyer credit. This tax is paid at final closing, so if I sell before that time, it would be a moot point anyway.
No, I'm not a property mogul. Selling the house and upgrading. BTW, if you plan on keeping the condo and you signed before 2007, you will get a credit for the MLTT. I had to remind my lawyer about that, since he I wouldn't be entitled to any land transfer tax credits. Not to be confused with the first time home buyer credit. This tax is paid at final closing, so if I sell before that time, it would be a moot point anyway.

wow, you must be your realtor's best friend ... 3 properties in 4 years !
