Fresh Start
Not only that, but his single mother comment was a cheap move. There should be a way for him to describe the mobility problem of Toronto without resorting to Glenn Beck-style histrionics.
My sentiments exactly. Ever since Miller came to power advocates like Mihevic, Giambrone and Steve Munro have promoted LRT almost to the exclusion of everything else yet under their own watch the streetcar system has deteriorated to hit and miss service reliability leading to severe overcrowding during rush hour, overcrowding on the subway all throughout the day, severe cutbacks on bus frequency, fare hikes, strikes, bomb scares, threats to shut down a whole subway line in its infancy, years to renovate NOT build from scratch a streetcar ROW, customer service has gone to the craper while 725 TTC employees make in excess of 100k a year, etc., etc. If Miller and co. cannot fix the service they've got, where does he get off making recommendations about the future? To adopt TC under this political climate will surely see its service quality sink to typical streetcar levels within a relatively short time.
Instead of bifurcations; why not explore multiple options like fare integration, system-wide time-based fares, fare zoning, bus lanes, prepaid fare collection, all-door boarding with the system we've got here today, now? Why are we awaiting 207 $5 million priced light rail vehicles and countless years of road construction before the TTC gets its act together? I will agree with Gweed that having a pro-tansit mayor is a good thing, however that person must have the right intentions for rolling it out besides it being a noted accomplishment in his memoirs. Both Vancouver and Montreal have gone through this debate. If an area has a high enough demand for it (prior to any build-it-and-they'll-come redevelopment schema) and the network's already based on HRT, for the sake of ease of connectivity you expand that network as HRT with buses primarily linking smaller communities to major areas.