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CityPlace Benches



This was posted today by Amy Cross at Reading Toronto. What an interesting briefly described episode, with an ending that completely took me aback. Have other people heard of similar occurrances?
Toronto’s housing buyers have become more sophisticated consumers. Instead of purchasing double garages with houses tacked on behind them, they’re mortgaging themselves for airspace in towers built by reputable architectural firms. Condo sales literature now gives architects star billing—complete with portraits--as if to say “you’re buying Capital A architectureâ€. The Condo’s design seems to be an important part of what they’re buying—equivalent to initials scattered on purse, that is a way of saying, “I have good taste, I am a sophisticated purchaser of shelterâ€. But I am starting to wonder if condo-dwellers really understand what they’ve bought.

I live in one of these buildings—a Concord Adex Tower designed by Architects Alliance. It’s detailed handsomely: the fixtures and fittings are clean and modern—down to the the Philippe Starck chairs by the pool. But at the main entrance to both towers, there are horrible pre-cast concrete benches in between the double sets of doors. The benches look as if they’re bought in bulk by municipal transport authorities—not typical fancy condo lobby fare. I always wondered how such an ugly thing could get there. Did the money run out? Was there a bench emergency, and the concrete thing was like a spare tire that was just being used until the REAL bench got fixed.

One night I was dining with some executives of the development company, and asked how the bench fit into the otherwise aesthetic plan of the place. They moaned and rolled their eyes and explained: as soon as the developers handed over the building to the condo corporation, the corporation put in the benches. Horrified by the aesthetic crime (at least a misdemeanor), the developer asked for the benches to be removed. No go. They offered to replace the benches by something that actually involved a furniture designer, but the resident-owners have refused to budge. The source of this obstinacy is hard to pinpoint. (I’ve NEVER seen anyone sit or place parcels on the benches.) What’s more, the hundreds of other people who were seduced by the well-designed sales centre and lobby renderings, are not fighting to have this blight removed at the ceremonial entrance to their homes. You’d think it would rankle them as it rankles me. But then, when you go into many of these apartments, you see floral wallpaper borders and pine country chairs. Recognizing this disconnect between what consumers buy and their own ability to decorate space, the Glas Tower started offering furnished flats, but it turns out most buyers want to put in their own things. Even if they are ugly.
You where having diner with the execs of Concord and out of all the things you could have asked, you asked the them about a fuc|(ing bench?

How about why VIC doesn't work? How about after knowing that for 2 years, why are they still installing it in HVE? How about why all owner have to pay 17$ each monthly to Telus for a service (vic) thats not being provided?

How about why only 1 pillar is covered with limestone, while all the other pillars next to it are exposed concrete?

How about why they low ball the condo fees?

HOw about why theres security cameras in the pool and gym and not in the parking levels?

How about why there are concrete scars by the lights on Spadina and front?

How about why the corner of Spadina and Front is so dead?

How about why there are no Handicap doors, like regulated?

Only 17 visitor parking spots for 485 units?

I thought you were going to put in a waterfall?

I could write a whole book of questions...

Overall I think these developers have done a stellar job. I live there and i enjoy it quite a lot, but man if i had a moment with any of these guys, I would cut their balls off.
It's all about the marketing.....

If she's that much of a control freak, she should buy in a small boutique condo where there are fewer people she has to convince to get her way. I've heard of small condo boards arguing about the colour of the garbage can in the lobby, or whether it has to have a garbage bag in it that destroys the asthetic.
If you don't have someone to police design issues then of course standards will slip and you'll end up with hideous benches and the like. Many people pay lip service to "good design" and delegate reponsibility for design decisions to people who are qualified. Then, because they have two eyes in their head, they think they're qualified to override those decisions because something else "looks okay" to them ...

In a democracy everyone's an expert, and you're at the mercy of the aesthetic taste of your condo board. Unless, that is, your condo board is packed with designers .. though that, too, could create a whole new set of problems!
After the lobby furniture was stolen from the building I live in (over a decade ago now), the Board President went out and purchased a new couch and chairs that she thought were nice, but which in fact are the most hideous pieces of country-turned-spindle and frilly upholstered garbage you have ever rested your butt on.

A lot of people in the building would like them to be replaced, but nobody has ventured to steal them yet. Let's go people!


Exacto knifes and some opportunistic vandalism would work wonders on the forementioned atrocity. Wear and tear has never been better as an excuse (those damned contractors).

Well, I'm the new President of the Board, and I couldn't get through the meetings where the others were wailing "who could do such a thing?!!!" "I told you we should have gotten that $10,000 security camera set-up!!!" "why us God, why us?!!!" "they were still so young, they had so much more seating to provide!!!" without turning beet red from self-convicted guilt and shame.


Did you notice how Miesian the furniture in the office of Gotterdammerung's evil capitalist Hagen was?

I always knew the devil had the best interior decorators.
I wonder if that stuff was just on loan to the COC - I could think of some new use for it!
