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Canada forces media blackout on Bilderberg Conference




Canada enforces media blackout on Bilderberg Group meeting in Ottawa
TEHRAN, June 10 (MNA) -- Alex Jones of Prison and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for almost 15 hours of interrogation, accusations, and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which started June 8.

Paul Joseph Watson of Prison reported that the group was detained at 11:45 p.m. on the night of June 7 and only released after 2 p.m. the next day.

Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.

It seems that the Canadian immigration officials reversed a likely decision to deport the team after a CBC journalist vouched for the fact that Alex Jones was in fact a member of the media.

Jones said the major element of this story is that the pressure was brought to bear by Bilderberg.

Bilderberg have acquired a notorious reputation of harassing journalists, including Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin, who are simply trying to report on a meeting of the world's most influential powerbrokers.

The immigration officials said that their reason for detaining Alex was because they feared he was in the country to infiltrate the Bilderberg meeting.

Our own gov't clearly caves in to the powers that be... very sad that Canadian officials would stoop to this. Even scarier is the thought that our tax dollars are helping keep this thing under wraps from the citizens of this country.

Thank goodness the CBC bailed him out, this is almost sickening.

What is the Bilderberg conference?

If you think it's strange that you've never heard about this before (and yes it's even taken place in Toronto) then you've obviously never heard of this before either:
Im conflicted on this. On one hand, freedom of the media is a right that should be protected, especially in a country such as Canada, and at a time when there is a government in power that seems to have contempt for it and want to echo the same policies that have taken place in the US over the past 6 years.

On the other hand, Alex Jones is an idiot, and I have seen enough of his work that I am almost glad that someone tried to restrict his ability to generate even more laughable conspiracy theories.

Its a tough call. I guess in the end, I could care less one way or the other about this story when there are far more worthwhile and important events taking place right now.
On the other hand, Alex Jones is an idiot, and I have seen enough of his work that I am almost glad that someone tried to restrict his ability to generate even more laughable conspiracy theories.

When people say Alex Jones is annoying, I agree, he can be very hard to listen to. He does however do everything in his power to expose these kind of coverups to the public. He does go a little too far into the conspiracy theories, but he asks a lot of really good questions and has a tremendous following for a reason.

In the end he's nothing more than a highly opinionated member of the non-mainstream media (although he's so popular he might as well be mainstream). He's no less an idiot than just about anyone Fox news or CNN has on the air. In fact I give him credit for exposing genuine newsworthy items that you would never see in North American mainstream media yet appear in other countries best known media outlets.

Speaking of idiots in the media, Tucker Carlson anyone?
^You wont hear me defend any of those media outlets or "journalists" either. CNN, MSNBC. Great for silly guys standing in hurricanes and water skiing squirrels, but not much else. And FOX. I dont think they even report anything that isnt a White House press release.

If douchebags like Tucker Carlson are allowed to continue to do whatever it is they do, then why not Alex Jones I suppose.
The trouble is that Jones and the Bilderberg gang go hand in hand. Little secret societies that pretend to have the knowledge of how to decide what should be done, and keep little secrets, sound worthy only of a Dan Brown novel. As twity as Jones is, he is merely an after-effect of these types of "power from on-up" types. The noise amid the deafening silence.
Listening to The Current's reporting on the affair, I was left with the distinct impression that Alex Jones is, as we say in the industry, batshit crazy.
Listening to The Current's reporting on the affair, I was left with the distinct impression that Alex Jones is, as we say in the industry, batshit crazy.

I can see how he would come across that way, however it's quite obvious how quickly the north american media is silenced and spoon fed what to tell the public on certain issues, events etc and what it does and does not report.

Example, Oklahoma City bombings, Oklahoma TV News stations reported that the police and ATF officials were saying that there were more undetonated bombs that they found in the building. The local tv stations kept reporting this for hours. Police logs confirmed undetonated bombs were found, as well as FEMA reports. Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, on the morning of the bombing, said, "The reports I have is that one device was deactivated, and apparently, there's otherr devices." But since then the government has claimed that all these reports and sightings of other bombs were wrong. Suddenly the media IGNORED all of its earlier reports, made no attempt to explain them and then the story changed... overnight. Just one man and a truck bomb did the whole thing. The media latched on to that and as far as the public knew, all those orginal reports and accounts vanished. Then of course evidence came out that there was no way a single ANFO bomb could cause anywhere near that amount of damage.

Then of course there's the story of Terry Yeaky.

Why would the media change its story and instead choose to report a version of events coming out of WASHINGTON versus their own eye witnesse accounts?

Is Alex Jones (and others in the non-meanstream media outlets) "batshit crazy" for latching on to this and running with it. For exposing the government and media together working in a co-ordinated lie? This is newsworthy stuff. Yet it gets ignored by the mainstream media, so I guess Alex is crazy for wanting answers and asking the questions that the public deserves to be answered. Maybe all the initial officers, experts and eye witnesses need to come forward and say that they were wrong, that there weren't secondary devices, that instead they found cheeseburgers that looked like bombs... that hasn't happened, instead the media was simply told the official story of events, and reported that.

Which is kind of like what happened on 9/11. There's always 2 versions of events, the way it was reported the first moments an event has happened, and then the way those same events are changed and reported the next day. We dont' have anything remotely close to resembling a free press here in North America, we just think we do. Alex may be a nut, but we need people like him.
Often, in breaking news stories, things get reported that turn out to be just plain wrong. Rumors get started, and in the rush to get something, anything on the air, they get reported. Later, when the dust settles, literally & figuratively, the actual story is reported. Quality sources of news publish corrections when they get something wrong.
There was a big round-table discussion about this on last night's Coast To Coast AM (heard in T.O. on AM 640).

I think if you sift around this site you can find an archive of the broadcast:
Often, in breaking news stories, things get reported that turn out to be just plain wrong. Rumors get started, and in the rush to get something, anything on the air, they get reported. Later, when the dust settles, literally & figuratively, the actual story is reported. Quality sources of news publish corrections when they get something wrong.

I'm sure that's true. However there are cases when news media outlets make no attempts to address their "corrections". Then a blind eye is turned when any evidence is presented contradicting the official story of events. This happens time and time again, sometimes it gets exposed (see the London bombing) sometimes it doesn't. Often when it does get exposed it's so far after the fact that there's nothing anyone can do about and the media again doesn't pickup on it. The CBC's 5th estate exposed the lie about the Iraqi's going into Kuwait and taking babies out of incubators leaving them to die... remember that? George Bush himself in a presidential address telling this to an entire country? All of a sudden approval from the war goes up, they invade Iraq... all based on a lie, no one from the "quality media" bothered to look into this story or make a "correction" when the 5th estate exposed it.

Like I said we don't have a free press here and if you think we do you're smoking something pretty heavy. If those initial reports from Oklahoma city were false, then why weren't the sources of the info used to verify that they were in fact false? Alex Jones smelled a rat, made a big deal out of it and all of a sudden he's a nutcase as judged by those folks who are behind the false reporting in the first place. I just chose those bombings as an example because a lot of people call him nuts for even implying that the government was involved in a coverup. Explosives experts, structural engineers and other very credible sources have all stepped forward and stated that the official story simply is NOT possible, yet why doesn't the media report that?

Why doesn't the mainstream media report the findings of Bringham Young university professor Steven Jones? Probably one of the most brilliant minds in the feild of physics on the entire planet? He simply wrote a highly respected paper stating that it's impossible for the Twin Towers to have collapsed as a result of the plane impacts and resulting fires. He has since delivered lectures on the subject as well, all passing the required peer review steps without problem.

Why does the media NOT report this? Is it NOT newsworthy? After all, his findings go hand in hand with what all the major news outlets reported in the early moments of 9/11, that explosive charges were going off all over the place in the towers... The media changed their story to the official version and never looked back. Do you think there's a reason for it? Do you think Alex Jones is a nut case for urging everyone to take a second look at this? Steve Jones isn't the only prominent person to come forward, yet the only time the media pays any attention is when CHARLIE SHEEN comes forward, and then of course we here stories about his abusive personal life soon after.
I don't know who Alex Jones is, but from what you've written, he sounds like a total nutbar, along with the people who think the US government blew up the World Trade Centre and who think JFK is alive and living in a spa in Switzerland.
^Don't forget that Jim Morrison is living in Africa writing poetry and that Elvis is in India (with John Lennon, no less).

He simply wrote a highly respected paper stating that it's impossible for the Twin Towers to have collapsed as a result of the plane impacts and resulting fires.

So all those other structural engineers and physicists who claim otherwise are dupes of the conspiracy - or part of it.

Maybe we are all part of the conspiracy - except you!

Think about it.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
So all those other structural engineers and physicists who claim otherwise are dupes of the conspiracy - or part of it.

Really? Oh you mean those who work for FEMA and those who wrote the official 9/11 commision report? The same report that Henry Kissenger was asked to head up? hmm... what independant "experts" not working for popular mechanics have come forward to support these claims? There's literally hundreds of scholars more educated than anyone on these boards from Europe (where it's commonly accepted by the public that the collapses were not and could not have resulted from fires) and here in North America that have come forward. I guess they're all nut bags, who needs evidence that obeys the laws of physics when you have CNN!

I bet not one person in here can refute any of the evidence presented in Steven Jones (the founder of Cold Fusion) work.

Yeah, he's a nut bar all right...

Someone of that position coming forward with this evidence alone warrents media attention.
Media. Liars. Governments. Liars. Politicians. Liars. Coporations. Liars. Your next door neighbor. Liar. Grade school teacher. Liar. Liberal arts professors. Liars. Religion. Lies.

Most everyone or every group that is trying to accomplish something lies. Whether it is too make money or gain power or attract more followers there is inevitablely going to be some false ideas presented. Always has been. Always will be.

Whats rather ironic Wonder is that while you are so quick to distrust the media and governments and other such sources, you seem to have no problem putting almost absolute faith in what this "other" group of people says with your endless quotations and references to their work. How is that any different than the person who quotes Chomsky with the passion of a religous zealot, or the FOX News viewer who steadfastly claims that WMD's did exist and that terrorism is so dangerous that it threatens his existence living in a trailer in some shit hole town in Alabama?

There is no definitive source of truth. Thats why instead of putting faith in the bible or academia or corporate media, just use a little common sense and logical thought. Beware though, it could inspire independent thinking and creative thought as by products.
He simply wrote a highly respected paper stating that it's impossible for the Twin Towers to have collapsed as a result of the plane impacts and resulting fires.

The fact that he stated it would be "impossible" for the towers to have collapsed from the impact of plane impact is either neglectful or deceitful on his part. First off, on what basis can it be "impossible?" Second of all, watch the footage and note that the impact of the aircraft did not bring the buildings down. The weakening of structural steel brought about by the burning of aircraft fuel caused the buildings to collapse on themselves. So no shit, the plane impacts did not directly cause the buildings to collapse at the moment of impact, but they were the contributing factor to the eventual collapse.
