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Black Lives Matter Toronto

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No one is "demonizing an entire racial group." The lack of prefacing statements with: 'not every black person'; 'some black people', or something along those lines, doesn't mean I or freshcutgrass are lumping together all black people.

See, this is the thing: you are demonizing an entire racial group. You are lumping together all black people every time you do this. The lack of prefacing statements is the whole point of what makes you racist. You are demonizing an entire racial group with every post you make, every argument you post, every sentence you write.

You somehow were able to quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan without an iota of understanding. That takes some doing, my friend. Reaching deep into the Interwebs, here's Wikipedia on the book you quoted:

"Moynihan issued his research under the title The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, now commonly known as The Moynihan Report. Moynihan's report[10] fueled a debate over the proper course for government to take with regard to the economic underclass, especially blacks. Critics on the left attacked it as "blaming the victim",[11] a slogan coined by psychologist William Ryan.[12] Some suggested that Moynihan was propagating the views of racists[13] because much of the press coverage of the report focused on the discussion of children being born out of wedlock. Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house."[citation needed] Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house. Moynihan supported Richard Nixon's idea of a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Daniel Patrick Moynihan had significant discussions concerning a Basic Income Guarantee with Russell B. Long and Louis O. Kelso.

AFDC is the American welfare program I was referencing. And it has wrought exactly what was foreseen by Mr. Moynihan. And, today, it is reaching into the underclass of whites as well.
How this has anything to do with racial oppression is beyond me. Please Armour, please explain to me how any of this validates racial oppression? Once you can respond to that maybe I'll respond to your "data".
I'm not validating racial oppression. Those links were to demonstrate the breakdown of the black family unit (despite and after becoming equal citizens), which has led to a massive increase in crime, poverty and fatherlessness among many black people.
See, this is the thing: you are demonizing an entire racial group. You are lumping together all black people every time you do this. The lack of prefacing statements is the whole point of what makes you racist. You are demonizing an entire racial group with every post you make, every argument you post, every sentence you write.

You somehow were able to quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan without an iota of understanding. That takes some doing, my friend. Reaching deep into the Interwebs, here's Wikipedia on the book you quoted:

"Moynihan issued his research under the title The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, now commonly known as The Moynihan Report. Moynihan's report[10] fueled a debate over the proper course for government to take with regard to the economic underclass, especially blacks. Critics on the left attacked it as "blaming the victim",[11] a slogan coined by psychologist William Ryan.[12] Some suggested that Moynihan was propagating the views of racists[13] because much of the press coverage of the report focused on the discussion of children being born out of wedlock. Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house."[citation needed] Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house. Moynihan supported Richard Nixon's idea of a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Daniel Patrick Moynihan had significant discussions concerning a Basic Income Guarantee with Russell B. Long and Louis O. Kelso.

AFDC is the American welfare program I was referencing. And it has wrought exactly what was foreseen by Mr. Moynihan. And, today, it is reaching into the underclass of whites as well.
You really take the lack of prefacing as a literal demonization of the entire black race? By your logic, any journalist/author that uses the term: 'black community', must be a racist because they make no distinguishment between a and b. No one is going to constantly write/make prefaced statements every single time a comment is made re race, or some other controversial topic, to appease sensitive minds. There is an expectation among the reader to use a little common sense and know that the innocent are irrelevant and there is no need to address and absolve them because they're not in question. It's like the obsession progressives (sigh...not all of them) have with announcing that most muslims are peaceful, whenever someone comments on the prevalence of Islamic terrorism. No one but radicals believe that an entire group of people are bad. I already championed Ben Carson for overcoming the worst of odds and used him as proof that anything is possible, and race isn't a deterrent to success unless one allows it to be. A racist wouldn't acknowledge someone of another race in a positive light. You won't touch that though because it doesn't fit your narrative that blacks have next to no chance of breaking the cycle of deadbeat dads, poverty and crime. They largely remain at the bottom of the social ladder because of people like you perpetuating the notion that the system is corrupt and insurmountable for them. That's not a good way to motivate people and instill them with confidence.

My statements aren't racist because of the lack of prefacing. They are still true: i.e. black people commit more violent crime than any other race in America. Black people are also more dependent on social assistance that others. Again, a true statement. What would make my statements racist is if I said: all black people _____.

I don't know if you're being disingenuous re my alleged racism in order to deflect from the stats that you don't want to talk about, or if you truly are that bewildered to believe I detest black people.

I'm curious to know what your solutions are for the social problems that *many* black people face? Would you not agree that advocating a return to 2 parent households and condemning single motherhood would be a good start? We've already established that there are no laws that are racist in intent, so what are the issues that are preventing blacks from largely being on par with others?
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1. No. I would advocate a basic income / negative income tax, and a hell of a lot less pre-judging.

2. Seriously, what do you and FCG have with the 'making up your own definitions of words' thing? What could be less disingenuous than calling you out on your racism to your face?

3. You have given insight into the whole 'All Lives Matter' crowd, though. They really do think they're being clever and insightful. I did believe they were being disingenuous, but they are just clueless. So, thank you.

4. Lastly, Armour, I will say I'm impressed at how you have really hit on every racist trope! Black on black crime, and then appropriating MLK, now 'one of my best friends...' with Ben Carson. A better way to show your admiration and solidarity with black people would be to show your admiration for a black person of stature who is a black activist or does something you don't particularly care for, but you can admire their spirit. Say... The kids from BLMTO.
1. No. I would advocate a basic income / negative income tax, and a hell of a lot less pre-judging.

2. Seriously, what do you and FCG have with the 'making up your own definitions of words' thing? What could be less disingenuous than calling you out on your racism to your face?

3. You have given insight into the whole 'All Lives Matter' crowd, though. They really do think they're being clever and insightful. I did believe they were being disingenuous, but they are just clueless. So, thank you.

4. Lastly, Armour, I will say I'm impressed at how you have really hit on every racist trope! Black on black crime, and then appropriating MLK, now 'one of my best friends...' with Ben Carson. A better way to show your admiration and solidarity with black people would be to show your admiration for a black person of stature who is a black activist or does something you don't particularly care for, but you can admire their spirit. Say... The kids from BLMTO.

So no income tax for all black people or just some? No one is prejudging, but observing things which are supported with stats.

You can keep calling me a racist, but that doesn't mean I am one. You're the one who is making up your own subjective truths about me and calling that racism. You would be a poor lawyer. Your claims have never been substantiated and never will be. Move on.

Don't lump me into the All Lives Matter crowd. You say I am lumping all blacks together, and then you do the same thing you're accusing me of.

Are you a farmer because you're a master at building straw man arguments? What is wrong with discussing black on black crime? Why shouldn't that be brought up? There is less harm in discussing it than remaining silent about it.

How predictable that you would use the "one of my best friends" line re Ben Carson. Where did I state we're friends? This is your lousy defense because you can't admit that black people can come from the ghetto and be successful (which is the point of bringing up Carson). Why are you timid to acknowledge this? In other words:

That is the antithesis of racism; but some will call it sexist because of the language. :)

The MLK reference was a joke. Obviously you don't share my sense of humour; which is fine. But, at the same time, he would have been appalled with that girl. You're trying too desperately to bring up trivial points. MLK was barely a pinpoint of this entire discussion.

How can I show my admiration for a group that is so disorganized and disrespectful to others that don't affirm their course of action? What I admire are black people that are determined to make it on their own and refuse to let a past history of racism dictate how they live their lives. I admire black men that stay with their women and don't run off when they become pregnant. Nothing I have seen from BLMTO has moved me. I don't even know what they are going on about. Perhaps they should be introspective and look within themselves for answers instead of making others feel guilty about their own failures?
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So no income tax for all black people or just some? No one is prejudging, but observing things which are supported with stats.

No Armour, not "no income tax for all black people." Sigh.

A guaranteed basic income or negative income tax-style progressive tax system guarantees all able-bodied permanent residents of a country a minimum basic amount of money, paid out by the government. This is in place of, not added to, any other welfare schemes. Depending on how radical the advocate, I believe it sometimes also takes the place of EI and even things like child benefits/tax credits.

But the key is that it's not based on race, or marital status, or showing that you looked for work this week, or anything else. And many people prefer to judge the poor, so they don't like the idea as there's no judgement involved.
Absolutely pathetic behaviour in Milwaukee last night, after police shot an armed thug pointing a stolen gun at the officers instead of dropping it. The blacks reacted by burning down their own neighbourhoods and attacking firefighters, journalists and white people. Some will defend this as the byproduct of injustice, unemployment and poor education, but this kind of violence does not solve anything.


Several videos show white drivers being stopped in the middle of the street and the “protesters” attempting to pull them out of their vehicles. “They’re beating every white person!” one of the agitators shouted in the video. “They jumpin’ every white person.” “He white! Beat his sh*t!” the man yelled.

Other video shows agitators shouting “Black Power!” as a gas station burned. Agitators could be seen destroying cars. They hit this one with cinder blocks and looted the truck, leaving its contents strewn on the street. “Black power in this mother f*cker, man!” one person shouted.

Others bragged on Twitter they were going out to “loot white owned businesses” and waved a gun in front of his cell phone camera. They even created the “MilwaukeeLootCrew” hashtag.

Milwaukee police say “the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee’s north side Saturday afternoon,” NBC News reports. The man allegedly had a “lengthy arrest record” and was carrying a semiautomatic handgun that was reported stolen in a burglary in nearby Waukesha earlier this year.

Looting a beauty store. Because "justice".

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Absolutely pathetic behaviour in Milwaukee last night, after police shot an armed thug pointing a stolen gun at the officers instead of dropping it. The blacks reacted by burning down their own neighbourhoods and attacking firefighters, journalists and white people. Some will defend this as the byproduct of injustice, unemployment and poor education, but this kind of violence does not solve anything.

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Looting a beauty store. Because "justice".

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Who are you talking about exactly?
This may not come from a 1990's sock puppet, (or a Fox cartoon geared to adults or an internet meme) but it is a read on trying to understand a complex problem...

Daniel Dale@ddale8
2 hours ago
Milwaukee is the most segregated metro area in America. My feature on what it's like and why it stays that way:

The separation of whites and blacks isn’t just a moral shame. It makes black lives worse in tangible ways. The isolation of Milwaukee’s African-Americans in impoverished all-black neighbourhoods stunts their earning prospects in a region where the suburbs are generating all of the job growth. It forces black children who don’t have prosperous parents like Smith into troubled schools. In a city with 145 homicides last year — Toronto, with a population four times larger, had 56 — it heightens their risk of early death. And it lets suburban politicians safely ignore their interests.
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Who are you talking about exactly?

Oh, I expect me. Maybe you, too.

I'll be interested to see how much the story changes on this one. Has a real Ferguson feel to it. Traffic stop due to really, really vague reason, but absolutely, definitively shot due to gun in hand, but no audio because within 30s of body camera activation.

Off-topic, but how amazing a reporter is Daniel Dale? Once again sniffing out a hotspot ahead of the crowd.
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