Start at Bloor St and Yonge. Walk west. Keep walking until you hit Jane. It should take (I'm a fast walker) about 1.25-1.5 hours. From Yuppie Holts to Student bars to Annex flavours to Koreatown treats to Christiepit sweeties to BLO tacos to BLOOD African groceterias to barren wasteland RR tracks to Russian and Ukrainian delis to Yuppie blahness, Bloor's got you covered. Best time to experience it all: 7-9pm. What do you fancy? Portuguese bbq chicken? Sushi in the annex? Blini's + vodka? Ethiopian stew? Tacos? Korean bbq? You know what--Bloor st west is a string of villages and I'm gonna call it now: the most diverse single street in North America! I love it at night; by day, it's disappointing. Please, join me in the Bloor St walk@night!