I just wanted to throw out what I feel is a perfect example of pure journalistic real estate sensationalism. Here is a newly written article on Buzz Buzz Home about how the price of a detached home in Rosedale has
doubled in 2 years!!!
Engrossing title, isn't it? But once you read the article and actually look at the statistics, you can see that they're comparing sold prices in C09 Rosedale - Moore Park in 2014 (all 5-6 weeks of it) to all sales in C09 for 2012. One will also note that only
median figures were used. For simplicity, if 3 homes in Rosedale sold in January 2014 for $4M, then the median sold price for 2014 will be $4,000,000. Now if you take
all the homes sold in Rosedale - Moore Park in 2012, the chances of the median sold price being much less, given the much larger sample size, will be much higher. Take into account that homes in Moore Park are less than those in Rosedale. Go further north in Rosedale, near Summerhill Market or Governor's Bridge, and the prices will be lower than those on, say, Chestnut Park.
To make a long story short, I simply found the intent of the article to be misguided and, quite possibly, written to get the general public, who watch real estate like a pastime, all up in arms over by the water cooler.