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Baby, we got a bubble!?

I would say balance is required. Bulls & Bears allowed here :) It's a bore when realtors just spout off their bullish nonsense and equally dull when the doom & gloomers remain entrenched in their positions. I take the trader approach--I could care less if the market goes up or down as money can be made or lost in either scenario and most importantly, it's fun to watch.

I figured out who ISYM is finally--okay, so you're a "big shot" realtor. But that means you're biased ;)

That explained it all. What a heck makes a realtour big shot ?

I think I found the answer too.

All I see there on her blog is just RE pumping up.
It says that March performs as projected. As far as I remember they expected the market to pick up in Spring. It did not happen
She is happy that Competition Bureau's case against TREB was dismissed.
What else can I say.

Indeed she has some price break downs there which look like mine (or, to keep her happy, mine look like hers). Though, I don't understand what is so proprietary about this.
It is normal anyone, would do the same, I am sure about that. I don't think that she can say that her site or graphs or whatever can be an inspiration for my charts because something else inspired me.
The originality of my work consists in overlapping the sales markers with the heat maps.
Other than that I admit there is nothing original in any of the two sites. Just too much ego here and there :)
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I admit your charts don't really interest me. I am a macro kind of guy. I finished the #top100 #condoBBL signs on 31 December 2012. That was 4 months ago. I tend not to dwell on the past--'tis a bore.

I like taking photos of construction projects and looking at renderporn--I could care less if x makes $120k flipping a condo or y loses $40k. I care about aesthetics, not money.
Sure problem.

Why bother people who already have bigger problems.

ISYM do you want me to shut down my web site as well ?
It seems to get some traffic and I believe that will be detrimental to your business
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Can we all just keep this intellectual? UrbanToronto forum has already lost some momentum and its the senseless personal attacks like this make it even worse.

Lets just speak to the facts and stay professional shall we?
before we analyze my attitude, can we focus on your initial statement which was left in the air like you never said that. Let's finish tat first and let's not change the topic.
Have I pretended that my info was better? And if yes please tell me where.

FYI I am a very reasonable guy as long as you are but I don;t think that above you are, "dude"!

Recharts -- if you would be so kind as to PM me when you plan to stop monopolizing this thread, I'd appreciate it. I won't be back, otherwise, as you've hijacked the thread to get feedback on your work, then got completely defensive when folks gave you feedback. Can't have it both ways, sunshine -- so maybe give it a rest for a week or ten?
Recharts -- if you would be so kind as to PM me when you plan to stop monopolizing this thread, I'd appreciate it. I won't be back, otherwise, as you've hijacked the thread to get feedback on your work, then got completely defensive when folks gave you feedback. Can't have it both ways, sunshine -- so maybe give it a rest for a week or ten?
this ^^^ x 10
wow, this thread was getting out of control.

while i'm bearish, i don't think one has to be overly dramatic or alarmist about it, which was what i was sensing here.
i do believe we're in a price correction of 25%+ but it won't be overnight but spread over 5+ years.
It looks like I landed in RE agents infested waters.
I can guess it by the tactics they engage in order to silence anything that they don't like.

Guys you are too tensed. Calm down. No need to waste so much energy if my stats are so wrong.
If this is going to calm you down I can (for the sake of it) that I am the guy you ISYM believes I am.
