Ex-Montreal Girl
Active Member
I would like to add my 2 bits to the comments made by ex-Montreal girl and 'ex-Montreal guy(ex-Montreal senior citizen?.
In the early sixties I used to live in London, England. We used to get paid every week.
In January of a year, banks will start 'Christmas club' -- encouraging individuals to start savings for the next Christmas on weekly basis. At that time, it did not make any sense. As a matter of fact, it used to sound funny. Now, looking back, it all makes sense.
I guess banks make way way way more on 19.5% credit card interest charges and whatever the going rate is on $400K+ mortgages than they do on your Christmas savings accounts. And I am sure it's deliberate.
I have a savings account for one reason and one reason alone: I put aside $100 a month to cover off the condo property tax and the car and condo insurance. Occasionally I will use it to save for a special trip like, next year, we would like to go to an elephant sanctuary in S.A.
But it's not like I am getting a statement every month and going, "Oooooo, look at how much I made in interest!" the way I might have in my parents' time.
If I understand banking correctly, back in the day, they'd use our savings account money for investing. But now, with RSPs for example, why should they bother?