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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Are Social Media Websites like Facebook and Twitter becoming too powerful?

but the issue is what app is blamed for increasing divides in society and spreading fake news and Twitter rules are a joke.

People get banned for misgendering someone by accident but get no action for saying they want to kill all white people.

You think these types posts get vetted by FB? I'd take imperfect application of rules over a free for all. Don't use exceptions to distract the fundamental issue of how an org views and approaches the willingness to intervene.

but the issue is what app is blamed for increasing divides in society and spreading fake news in 2020? and Twitter rules are a joke...
Facebook harbours groups where hate is magnified and given a legitimate forum. But Jasmine, I'm not debating your point, Twitter's bollocks too. We can sanction Facebook and Twitter.
You think these types posts get vetted by FB? I'd take imperfect application of rules over a free for all. Don't use exceptions to distract the fundamental issue of how an org views and approaches the willingness to intervene.


But FB has very limited political content as the newsfeed is now free of news articles now while Twitter is all news a lot of bad misinformed news that is influencing society.

Like in 2020 you have politicians literally decided public policy via Twitter fights lol

That to me is a bigger issue and problem to me then any of the issues on Facebook but each their own.
Facebook harbours groups where hate is magnified and given a legitimate forum. But Jasmine, I'm not debating your point, Twitter's bollocks too. We can sanction Facebook and Twitter.

I agree Facebook is flawed but I know there is a huge conflict of interest going on with Media, FB and Twitter as Media loves Twitter and therefore never really speaks badly about it.

Twitter is such a negative on society right now its just a horrid app.
I agree Facebook is flawed but I know there is a huge conflict of interest going on with Media, FB and Twitter as Media loves Twitter and therefore never really speaks badly about it.

You were literally harping on about how Twitter is worse than FB and how you're saying FB is flawed? We aren't talking about whether legacy media has a thing for Twitter; we are talking about misinformation in social media.

You were literally harping on about how Twitter is worse than FB and how you're saying FB is flawed? We aren't talking about whether legacy media has a thing for Twitter; we are talking about misinformation in social media.


My point is a pox on all these apps, I just dislike how Twitter gets a pass.
Ya think? As news, not ads.

Plus you think FB users somehow stay away from politics and therefore won't be a vector for misinformation?


Twitter banning political ads is nonsense as any person or group can still endlessly project misinformation to their base sowing division. Its just a PR move to get the media to circle jerk them more.

First of all Twitter is not widely used compared to other apps
Second the number of people politically active on Twitter is small.

So why is our media and politics so based on what people say on Twitter?
I have a friend who works for a newspaper and she says they dont even do journalism anymore and just check twitter feeds to make stories with.

Some people on twitter hates a Bar's name... okay there you go make into a new story and get everyone into a comment war and get the clicks for the newspaper.
You were literally harping on about how Twitter is worse than FB and how you're saying FB is flawed? We aren't talking about whether legacy media has a thing for Twitter; we are talking about misinformation in social media.

I never said that the critiques against FB are not warranted,I just dislike how the negative effects of Twitter get ignored and that makes me think there is way more at play than just ethics right now with a lot of people with FB.
I never said that the critiques against FB are not warranted,I just dislike how the negative effects of Twitter get ignored and that makes me think there is way more at play than just ethics right now.

There is always more at play than ethics - the point is - one is willing to take action - however imperfect it is; the other is turtling.

So why is our media and politics so based on what people say on Twitter?
I have a friend who works for a newspaper and she says they dont even do journalism anymore and just check twitter feeds to make stories with.

Easy - because it is a place where political (and other) leaders make public announcement with minimal time lag. That's the nature of the platform.

Thing is about social media companies, in general, are too powerful. Twitter and FB are linked...

Like my Professor said Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg are as powerful or even more powerful than many leaders of countries.

Almost everyone I know or anyone using a phone likely uses either FB, IG or Whatsapp every day and we all are consuming news through random tweets that people share on those apps especially in Direct Messaging apps like Whatsapp.

They all combine into a huge mess XD
Almost everyone I know or anyone using a phone likely uses either FB, IG or Whatsapp every day and we all are consuming news through random tweets that people share on those apps especially in Direct Messaging apps like Whatsapp.

Not quite random - what you see on Twitter is driven very heavily by who you are following; the ads on Twitter are pretty pathetic.

I hope that President Biden (if it happens) stays off Twitter entirely. Go back to the WH press briefing.

He doesn't have to stay off Twitter (and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do his own tweeting) - but he will need to realign his use so that he doesn't delibeate and announce ad hoc policy on it (unlike you know who). That's how a responsible political leader should use their Twitter account.

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I wonder if these are the same people that don't let their kids play in the park because they might catch some sort of virus.
I'm in the Google+ trial and it seems extremely promising
or "stop MONOSANTO"
I was reading through this thread, and a lot of posts have aged exceptionally poorly.

Anyways, back on topic. In forums such as UT, reasonable moderation allows civil discussion to take place, such as right now. On most social media platforms, user-generated communities means that there is no reasonable moderation, and moderation only goes as far as what the creator of the group decides.
Yes- there's no question about it.

IMO, too many people are oversocialized these days.

Anyways, back on topic. In forums such as UT, reasonable moderation allows civil discussion to take place, such as right now. On most social media platforms, user-generated communities means that there is no reasonable moderation, and moderation only goes as far as what the creator of the group decides.

Agreed- the supplanting of blogs and forums by unmoderated social media has been arguably a net detriment to online discourse. There's still some nice informative stuff on Twitter from time to time, but those are often multi-post threads that would do better elsewhere, and the nature of the sites mean that information gets quickly smothered in timelines. On Facebook, ironically the most interesting and informative posts occur in smaller privately-moderated groups, away from the public pages.
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