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44th Canadian Federal Election

My daughters voted for the first time last week. They choose the mail in ballot and it was so easy. Why can’t the Americans do this?

American ballots are alot more complex with ballot questions and a million different people to vote for on the same ballot (judges, sheriffs, politicians, etc)

Also, every state has their own voting laws. No two states are alike. Some have different rules pertaining to when the ballots can be counted, others have rules surrounding who is eligible for a mail in ballot.

There is also the fact that the US is ripe with conspiracy theories. We all know what happened last election regarding mail in ballots.
This is sample ballot from the US. This illustrates my point about how their ballots are far more complex than ours and unsuitable for mail in voting.

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Pretty wild scene in Brantford.

To what extent is the PPC stealing Conservative Party votes? I suspect a lot of PPC voters are typically non-voters who have been brought in to the party in the last year.
Pretty wild scene in Brantford.

To what extent is the PPC stealing Conservative Party votes? I suspect a lot of PPC voters are typically non-voters who have been brought in to the party in the last year.

This may yet turn out to be a 1993 style election with the PPC playing the role of the Reform. Now all we need is Preston Manning.

New Zealand forecasted for warm spring after hottest winter on record

From link.
The country has just had its warmest winter on record - beating the record set just last year.

Official climate data from Niwa shows June to August was 1.32C above average.

Meteorologist Nava Fedaeff said in a statement that the last time a consecutive year beat its previous winter temperature record was in 1971.

She said there were 76 locations across the country that experienced a record or near-record warm winter.

Fedaeff said record-breaking temperatures 50 years ago are now considered near average, as seven of the 10 warmest winters have been since 2000.

Fedaeff delved into historic weather records and found that the last time New Zealand experienced a similar sequence of events was 50 years ago.
The winter of 1970 was at the time New Zealand's warmest winter on record only to be beaten by the winter of 1971.

"What was considered to be unusually warm at the time is no longer considered unusual. The winter of 1971 now stands in 13th place of the temperature rankings while the winter of 1970 is 18th."

Fedaeff said what may have been considered record-breaking in 1970 is now considered near average.

"For instance, the once record-breaking winter 1971 is 0.75C cooler than the winter we have just experienced," he says.

The years 1970 and 1971, as well as the winters of 2020 and 2021 were influenced by La Niña featuring warm coastal waters, frequent high pressure and more northerly and north-easterly winds than normal.

"These similar winters, decades apart, show us that there are key natural ingredients to getting a warm winter but adding climate change to the mix is like taking the same recipe and swapping plain flour for self-raising," Fedaeff said.

Warmer spring than usual forecast

A warmer than usual spring is being forecast by Niwa.

Niwa predicts that unseasonably warm conditions at times this spring, particularly in the east of both islands.

It said despite this, cold spells and frosts may still occur occasionally, especially early in the season.

Niwa says spring rainfall is most likely to be below normal in the east of the North Island, near normal in the west of the South Island, and about equally likely to be near normal or below normal in all remaining regions across Aotearoa New Zealand.

That's alright. The Conservative Party of Canada reject that climate change is real. You can go back to driving yourself in your single-occupant, gas guzzling SUV.

See link.

Conservative delegates reject adding 'climate change is real' to the policy book

We interrupt this thread to make an unimportant announcement.

I found this American article about the NDP. I think it's informative to see how other people view our politics.
It misses the forest for the trees. Do I think the NDP is overly idealistic and sometimes ignorant of reality? Yes.
The article misses that in a landscape where doing less wins you elections, most of the time, and where it's a race to the center, the NDP's only realistic goal is to spark debate on their topics, and have Liberal minority governments where they can hold the balance of power.
Actually, that's probably better for them than becoming opposition or winning, because I suspect the federal NDPs don't know how to govern. They're better at manipulating the Liberals.
Anyways, it's interesting to see how other people view our politics.

We now return to scheduled, Canadian, programming.
We interrupt this thread to make an unimportant announcement.

I found this American article about the NDP. I think it's informative to see how other people view our politics.
It misses the forest for the trees. Do I think the NDP is overly idealistic and sometimes ignorant of reality? Yes.
The article misses that in a landscape where doing less wins you elections, most of the time, and where it's a race to the center, the NDP's only realistic goal is to spark debate on their topics, and have Liberal minority governments where they can hold the balance of power.
Actually, that's probably better for them than becoming opposition or winning, because I suspect the federal NDPs don't know how to govern. They're better at manipulating the Liberals.
Anyways, it's interesting to see how other people view our politics.

We now return to scheduled, Canadian, programming.

FYI, the columnist you're reading here...............JJ McCullough is Canadian...............he's also an arch Conservative, anti-Quebec/French, and a complete and utter idiot who generally craps on Canada every chance he gets. Its his shtick in U.S. circles.
