Here's the situation. Heritage Preservation Services has a smallish staff, but only one person produces the reports and research for listing or designation. These reports are comprehensive and require multiple concrete sources and is defined under a set of heritage criteria. An "old" building is simply not reason enough to be considered - is it characteristic of the neighbourhood, unique, built by an architect with a style that defined our neighbourhoods, was the site of an important event, person, etc.
The recommendations come from a variety of sources - namely citizens, community groups or the Councillors themselves. A good Councillor will request that HPS look into a report, especially if that building is at risk. Some are fast-tracked due to the urgency, but that means others get delayed.
That staff member will produce the report which is forwarded to the Perservation Board for that Community Council area. The Preservation will take the information from the report under consideration and make a recommendation which is voted on by the board. If it's a yes for listing or designation, it wll go to the Community Council area (Toronto & East York, North York, Scarbrough, Etobicoke). They vote on it and if it's successful it goes to full Council. It takes a while to go through this process.
There are 8,000 plus properties that are listed and designated right now and that is by no means an accurate snapshot of what we have in the city. For instance, buildings that aren't designated in the city right now because the backlog include Queen's Park, the oldest storefronts in the city (along King east of Jarvis), Campbell House and Mackenzie House.
No paperwork is unfinished, it's the sheer number of heritage properties in this city to be recorded and protected. If you do the math, you can see why there is a two-year backlog.
And just because a property doesn't have this status does not mean it won't be considered for the Inventory or designated in future, because of this backlog.
Imagine if we were able to be proactive about the Inventory - developers, owners and everyone would be clear on its status, it would involve less resources and less visits to the OMB.