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2003 Municipal Election: David Miller is mayor!

I'm thrilled that Miller won... I never would have predicted it a few months ago. I'm really curious to see how he handles the island airport matter and whether he can stop the bridge. He was obviously also thrilled that he won... I'm not going to hold his voice cracking against him. He was quite giddy tonight but I suspect the Miller we see from now on will be the Miller from the debates.

John Tory is a class act. His speech was extremely gracious full of praise and respect for Miller. After his speech, he went over to the Miller bash, embraced Miller and told him how much he respected him and that he would like for them to work together. He then went on to give another gracious speech to the Miller crowd. I was very impressed. Tory is a capable, intelligent and thoughtful guy who is an excellent speaker and obviously loves the city of Toronto. I hope we haven't seen the last of him.
I think this shows that we can be far to harsh on the city (the people). I remember earlier on, many of us (including myself) predicted that there was no way people would choose someone with a vision, and instead would just stick with Hall, who had great name recognition.

We were wrong!
I totally agree. I was extremely impressed with John Tory's poise. He can count on my support in the future, though perhaps not over Miller. Hopefully Miller turns out as well as we hope he will... it'll be hard for him to live up to expectations.
Of course the "also rans" gave good, supportive speeches. They want to run for office again, whether it be Mayor, leader of a political party etc. Who ever says something nastty when they lost an election?

I am sure that David Miller being the mayor will set a new tone at city hall. Many reporters last night were talking about the new faces on council, and how many of the re-elected incumbants have stated they will work with Miller even if it is against how they have previously voted. So, maybe David Miller will be able to pull of a more progressive city council and get things going.

I do want to say this one thing though. Everyone talks about Toronto's decline, and how this election was important in stopping the decline. I agree that there are many issues and events that may not be as positive as they have been in the past, but I still dont see a city in decline. The city has faced many hurdles, and has done fairly well with what was thrown its way. Sure, city services are on the decline, but they are everywhere in Ontario due to downloading.

Toronto just needs to re-prioritize, and adjust itself in it's new role of leader amongst cities. Truely, as Miller pointed out, Toronto should be leading a coalition of Candian Cities in demanding an urban agenda at the Federal and Provincial levels.
I hope Miller does well and I'll give him my support in the short term. But unless I see some results and/or changes I could see myself supporing Tory should he run again.
I voted for Tory, but I am not disappointed at all that Miller won. They are two very capable and bright people. I liked John Tory's business sense, but I really do hope that David Miller can cancel the island airport.
"Who ever says something nastty when they lost an election?"

Peter Robertson. (Former Mayor of Brampton). To paraphrase: "I would have won if I had breasts".

I was personally disappointed that he didn't get some implants and then try running again.
he's on cp24 right now talking with colin vaughn and taking calls from people. (it's 9:36 right now)
