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  1. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Fund-raising s 1(1), 67(2.1), 73 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 Fundraising functions are events or activities for the purpose of raising money for a candidate's campaign. The event or activity can only be held during the candidate's campaign period. Types of events There can...
  2. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed. It'll be interesting.
  3. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm pretty confident that the Ministry won't want a actual trial. They'll go though discoveries, and exchange documents etc., but the Ministry will likely try to settle with respect to their portion of liability. It likely won't get as far as pre-trial conferences or mediation, but that also...
  4. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    20 days to file a defense, but it's commonplace to be grated a waiver of defense from plaintiff counsel, which is basically an agreement to not file for a default judgement. For sure the Ministry is conducting their own investigation which requires time. It's to the plaintiff's benefit to...
  5. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nothing in that article absolves Ford of responsibility in civil law. While not intentional (i.e. "accidental"), it was still negligent as it is defined as the failure to act as a reasonable person would be expected to act in similar circumstances, which Ford is most certainly guilty of. “'Mr...
  6. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm sure he could, but it would cost him $20k.
  7. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." - Nietzsche That describes every member of Ford Nation to some degree. They love their illusions and are desperate to keep them.
  8. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Already happened, only a matter of time until it recurs: Asthma, sure. Could also be "crack lung." Also contains one of Ford's best quotes: “I...
  9. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Awesome! Many thanks.
  10. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I saw this comment in the Sun: WhenLibsWynneWeLose Fred • 2 hours ago "Always Private Sector - I get paid for landing good people in professional jobs. That's why I know the truth about traffic, commuting and job creation / destruction and what goes on in Board Rooms I remember lies...
  11. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "ConvernedKidTO" is off his rocker. He said: "About those comments? They were made to the Star reporters a decade ago who guaranteed anonymity. When she brought this up to the reporter who wrote this article, he said "That was then, you are with Ford now". Let's go over that again.. because...
  12. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bring in the SuperTroopers!
  13. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As an insurance professional involved in claims of all kinds, I can virtually guarantee his claims are 100% BS. Wouldn't be surprised if the "clinic" he attended has been or will be investigated by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. Was hoping to find Lisi in my database, but no such luck.
  14. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He was always going to still be mayor up to the election. Even if charged with conspiracy to commit murder in Smith's death, he'd get bail until trial which likely wouldn't happen until afterwards anyway. I'm sure a dozen or so pages back it was detailed that as long as Ford remains a free...
  15. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He knows Warmington, so... yeah
  16. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    How Kimmel happened:
  17. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And this: Top... men.
  18. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    good call.
  19. tjcv74

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, I believe that Doug filed the complaint back in November soon after Blair made his comments, but that it just took this long to get a response. No matter, nothing will come of it.
