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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Hey folks. Should be another interesting story in tomorrow's Star. (Drug related but not Brazen related)

Doug Ford assistant had police run-ins for drugs, drunk driving

A former blackjack dealer with a troubled past in Florida that includes charges involving drugs, drinking and driving, and soliciting a prostitute is working as Councillor Doug Ford’s constituency assistant.
Paul Saracino, an old Ford friend from Etobicoke, was put on the city payroll in September but has kept a low public profile.
Looks like Doug currently has his very own version of Lisi on city hall staff--definitely a rough looking character with a history of drugs and drunk-driving.

No wonder Dougie's been so pissy!

"Saracino did not respond to detailed questions sent by email. Doug Ford also did not respond to a call and detailed questions from the Star."

Star always calls to see if you want to tell your side; he knew this was coming.
He actually looks like has lost some weight in this pic. And his face isn't glowing!

Instagram post from some girl:
Vera Raposo ‏@VeraRaponzel 1h
Well..this was unexpected! I go in to meet the President..and walk out to find #RobFord haha

Amy Di Palma ‏@amesdp 44m
normal fri eve with my daddio waiting to meet the president of portugal, nelly furtado, and rob ford…
(her pic didn't include Ford, so not posting)[/QUOTE]
Looks like Doug currently has his very own version of Lisi on city hall staff--definitely a rough looking character with a history of drugs and drunk-driving.

Can't really find anything online about this guy. I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Although the optics would be better if the Ford's went out and hired qualified people instead of their old buddies.
Saracino moved to Florida in the 1990s. He married Rowena Heaven and lived with her and Heaven’s son, Darrius, in a family-owned yellow bungalow on North 30th Rd. in Hollywood. (Saracino and Rowena Heaven have since divorced.)

The same house was used as the Florida address of Deco Labels, the Ford family company. The yellow bungalow’s address also appears on court and police documents related to Saracino’s now ex-wife’s son. Darrius T. Heaven, 32, has a lengthy criminal record that includes multiple convictions and jail time for cocaine trafficking, drug possession, aggravated assault, and carrying a concealed weapon. He is currently on probation over gun charges.

I guess that puts a rest to the mystery we were discussing months ago about Darrius Heaven.

Doug Ford assistant had police run-ins for drugs, drunk driving

A former blackjack dealer with a troubled past in Florida that includes charges involving drugs, drinking and driving, and soliciting a prostitute is working as Councillor Doug Ford’s constituency assistant.
Paul Saracino, an old Ford friend from Etobicoke, was put on the city payroll in September but has kept a low public profile.

And this:

Top... men.
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From the article:

Councillors themselves decide what to pay their staff, but the suggested maximum for a constituency assistant is $69,000. Typically, an assistant’s job is to help ratepayers with neighbourhood concerns, such as complaints about parks, community centres or annoying potholes.
Saracino dealing with city ice rinks:

Better check to see what's buried under that ice! :p
Saracino moved to Florida in the 1990s. He married Rowena Heaven and lived with her and Heaven’s son, Darrius, in a family-owned yellow bungalow on North 30th Rd. in Hollywood. (Saracino and Rowena Heaven have since divorced.)

The same house was used as the Florida address of Deco Labels, the Ford family company. The yellow bungalow’s address also appears on court and police documents related to Saracino’s now ex-wife’s son. Darrius T. Heaven, 32, has a lengthy criminal record that includes multiple convictions and jail time for cocaine trafficking, drug possession, aggravated assault, and carrying a concealed weapon. He is currently on probation over gun charges.

I guess that puts a rest to the mystery we were discussing months ago about Darrius Heaven.

I was wondering when and how that would come back to them. I guess Doug's going to deny ever having known anything about Saracino's record, or meeting Darrius, or knowing about the house ...

Apparently this is Ford's website being developed? It's a weird mishmash of draft staff, including text lifted word for word from Jerry Brown's website (see the volunteer page) and a map of Brooklyn. Very odd. Credit to @judemacdonald for sharing this with the world.

Couldn't resist sharing the draft list of "Ford administration accomplishments". It's quite the list. For example, I know my public faith in the TCHC has been restored by its questionable management practices and relentless increase in the repair backlog. Well done Mayor Ford!


✔ Introduced a Customer Service Reception Desk in City Hall
✔ Made Nathan Phillips Square Safe and Inviting for Citizens
✔ Improving Communication with the City through 311and mobile apps.
✔ Improving TIC service
✔ Made TIC an Essential Service
✔ Improving Toronto EMS and Toronto Fire Services
✔ Renewed public faith in TCHC
✔ Made Council more Transparent & Accountable
✔ Posted More Expenses Online
✔ Adopted Whistleblower Protection By-law
✔ Eliminated the Personal Vehicle Tax (PVT)
✔ Reduced Council Expense Budgets
✔ Contracted out Garbage Collection
✔ Stopped out-of-control spending growth at City Hall.
✔ Lower Debt- Reduced planned debt by $808 Million
✔ Found over $600 million in permanent efficiency savings
✔ Balanced the operating budget,for the first time ever,without using any prior year surplus.
✔ Total reduction in City staff of 1,346 since 2011.
✔ New Surplus Management Strategy: Adopted new financial management strategies.
✔ New Collective Agreement with full and part-time workers
✔ Eliminated the S-cent bag tax: Ensures that retailers have a choice in charging for plastic bags.
✔ Focused public debate on building subways as Toronto’s long-term rapid transit strategy.

✔ Investing in the TIC: The 2013 budget included over $500 million in new TIC funding.
-Rolled out new subway trains (Toronto Rockets) on the Yonge- University- Spadina Line.
-Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension: Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extention Project is underway.
-Union Station Revitalization: Final project completion in 2016.
-Station Modernization Program: Existing station upgrades, including Pape and Dufferin stations.
-SignalSystem Replacement: Signal System replacement will improve subway system capacity and reliability.

✔ Investing in Toronto’s Future:Infrastructure Renewal- State of Good Repair- CapitalWorks:
-Resurfacing hundreds of kilometres of roads and filling around 200,000 potholes every year.
-Putting $500 million into maintaining the Gardiner Expressway- a key transportation artery.
-Putting money into maintaining and upgrading roads, bridges,sidewalks and expressways.
-Upgrading decades old playground equipment and building new community facilities.
-Upgrading 26 Municipal Child Care Centres and constructing a new facility.
-Building new community centres in York and Regent Park.
-Upgrading and maintaining 16 homeless shelters and building a new facility.
-Investing $10 billion, over the next 10 years,to maintain aging infrastructure in a state of good repair.
-Investing $2.5 billion over the next 10 years into water mains,sewers and other vital water infrastructure.

✔ Fighting Gridlock: Traffic Management Strategy to keep Toronto moving:Created a plan of action to improve the flow of traffic at over 1000 intersections, across every corner of the city.
✔ Launched a comprehensive bicycle strategy
✔ Economic Growth and Job Creation Strategy:After a prolonged period of moving sideways,the unemployment rate in Toronto is very noticeably dropping:
✔ Collaborating for Competitiveness- Toronto’s Economic Development Plan:
✔ Chicago Business Mission:Led the largest delegation of Toronto leaders on a business mission.
Other thing trending on twitter right now seems to be some kind of premature release of Rob Ford's campaign website. People are posting screenshots and making jokes -- apparently it either has Latin filler text or some text that appears to be stolen from a U.S. politician's website ...
Not sure how people found it but they're posting this link:

Something on twitter led me to earlier today and the countdown at that time was showing 3 hours 28 minutes. Now it's been reset to 1 day, 1 hour. ??

Edit: ooh I see someone who knows more about it has posted. nvm.
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