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  1. Pep'rJack

    What Movies Have You Seen Lately?

    ^ Sounds pretty interesting - remember the title? And how was HotDocs this year, overall?
  2. Pep'rJack

    Star: Toronto on the verge of bankruptcy

    . Probably not worth a new thread... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cities survey says: Toronto the middling by Royson James May 4, 2007...
  3. Pep'rJack

    What's the FLAP about?

    . These buildings are for the birds With activists and their exhibit of 2,500 carcasses in attendance, city unveils guidelines for bird-friendly towers by Theresa Boyle May 4, 2007 On the day Toronto released new "bird-friendly"...
  4. Pep'rJack

    Toronto 4665 Steeles East | ?m | ?s | LeBANC Development

    "Splendid China Tower" I'm sure it's been chuckled o'er before, but this amuses me every time I see it - surely one of the most unintentionally funny building names ever. And a clear misnomer, to boot: Oy... .
  5. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Parade at Concord CityPlace | 127.4m | 44s | Concord Adex | P + S / IBI

    You're right, of course, but I somewhat agree with Hydrogen re the height of Signature. In this particular case, size does matter, as far as the overall balanced sculptural aesthetic of the skyline goes, especially as seen from the lake. Signature is perhaps the best (only?) opportunity over the...
  6. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

    . A bit redundant, but here youse go. And why the either/or re this site? Why not eventually a modestly scaled condo tower atop a new cultural/institutional space, akin to MoMA or the new film centre? -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  7. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    I love your cute, adorable tendency to immediately resort to personal insults the instant your positions are junked for the self-evident, baseless bullshit that they are. There still is nary a shred of substance to a single word you've posted - do you really think that's not clear? Yapping and...
  8. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    "Good points" No, they obviously are not - take a breath, and read above.
  9. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    What makes you "sure" of that? Eh? Explain. Based on what? Looks? You "heard" that, huh? Must be the case. And I thought you "wouldn't believe American statistics for a minute". Plus, students and resident graduates are obviously distinct by definition. You cavalierly chuck these stats...
  10. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    I dunno, man... "the slowest-growing major city in Canada" "bottom of the heap in per capita income among the continent's most populous agglomerations" "the oldest population and fewest university grads on the continent" ...those three stats alone are simply disastrous. There's no way to...
  11. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    This really makes me sad, especially since I'd started to get the impression that Montreal was finally enjoying something of a relative upswing. For example: I did not realize that it remains this bad. Yikes.
  12. Pep'rJack

    New Cameras Catch Murderer

    Are you suggesting that this trust remains intact at the moment? The fact that this concept even needs to be explained to a group of intelligent, 'educated' adults is just jaw-dropping. It will never cease to completely shock, amaze and terrify me how many Good Citizens with 'nothing to...
  13. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

    ^ Hadn't actually considered that connection, but I suppose it's not impossible. Reading it again, it does almost seem like a direct rebuttal. Joey? Care to unmask?
  14. Pep'rJack

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Vaughan is getting out of hand - he sounds like some bitter, petty old crank ranting to himself on the Sun's letter page. Freakin' line-ups outside clubs are such a pressing and menacing issue that he has to get this worked up? What a complete ass, pandering to similar asses. And we wonder why...
  15. Pep'rJack

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Agree that this is bull. I'm as emphatic an anti-noise crusader as can be found, but these complaints are baseless due to location. Simple solution: do not choose to live in the club district if you don't like it. Unreasonable, hysterical and dumb.
  16. Pep'rJack

    What Movies Have You Seen Lately?

    I also found Hot Fuzz plenty funny - high yuks-to-bucks ratio. Zodiac is another strong effort from Fincher, but I found it oddly forgettable and ultimately unaffecting. Year of the Dog with Molly Shannon isn't really a very good movie overall, but it contains several moments of surprisingly...
  17. Pep'rJack

    Jarvis and Bloor View Downtown

    ^ Great goal. Pretty neat-o shot o' the Rogers bldg.
  18. Pep'rJack

    Bay Adelaide Centre West Tower (Brookfield, 50s, WZMH)

    My, how very, very cool - will you continue to be able to take photos from there as construction progresses? A unique and dramatic vantage, obviously.
  19. Pep'rJack

    U of T: Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building (Foster and Partners)

    "I wish the stilts were clad in something shiny." As always - but at least it's consistent with all the rest of the grim, craptastic unfinished concrete pillars 'round town, which now come close to collectively defining our locally ubiquitous and seemingly resolute bare-pimply-ass'd novelty...
