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  1. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My nightmare scenario is that no-one has a catastrophic fuck-up between now and the election (a big assumption, I know, especially in Ford's case), all three cruise along more or less maintaining their current levels of support, and the Fords rile up their base (which they're great at) more than...
  2. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know the pool is closed or whatever, but I'm going to guess that Ford gets 34.1% and barely squeaks out the win in a three-way split with Tory and Chow. My reasoning? People are stupid, greedy and have short memories (also, Tory sucks and Chow is running a terrible campaign). I also think a...
  3. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It would pretty much be the end of any lingering faith I had in humanity and democracy.
  4. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    MetroMan has become a joke. MY sources say Ford is going to be charged with JFK's murder, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, price-fixing of gasoline prices and masterminding the Black Sox scandal, and that every second the police get half as close to an arrest as they were the second before...
  5. B

    The "let's get Rob Ford a new job" thread.

    I don't know. This whistling past the graveyard is fun and all, but...he won't need a new job because he's going to win. As I type this he's breaking election laws left, right and centre at his campaign launch. There will be no serious repercussions, of course. He will break election laws ever...
  6. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This. MetroMan is just Some Guy On The Internet at this point. If and when anything happens, I'm going to hear about it from legit news sources, not from Some Guy With "SOURCES."
  7. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Blocked MetroMan on Twitter, officially bowing out of this thread for good. I'm ashamed of this city, province and country.
  8. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Multiple sources including CTV are reporting on Twitter that Ford will not face any Brazen 2 charges. UN FUCK WITHABLE
  9. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I officially give up. What a crock of shit.
  10. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If it goes "way beyond Rob Ford" I'm even more skeptical about the prospect of anything substantial coming to light.
  11. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think he's either been fed bad information or got a little high on being an internet celebrity. I will be very happy to eat those words if it turns out I'm wrong.
  12. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, that was another anticlimactic day...
  13. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't know, but as I've said before his tweets are starting to get that "unfuckwithable" stink.
  14. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My guess, based on nothing, is that they're working on some sort of film for the campaign launch...a montage of Ford fighting his way through reporters, people heckling him, rival councilors stating positions they're opposed to. Kind of a "LOOK WHAT WE'RE UP AGAINST, FORD NATION" thing to get...
  15. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There are TONS of crazy politicians throughout the United States; some are even in Congress. I think the Fords have received even more attention than they normally would because Canada, largely, has not had a history of this sort of thing before.
  16. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If April ends without Ford's arrest then I will lose hope, given MM's "just a just call away" posts last week.
  17. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've got April 2nd! It's a loved one's birthday, so that would be a great present for her, but as so many others have said I'm not holding my breath .
  18. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I am by nature a pessimist, and the longer these rumours float around with no charges being laid, the more I get an "unfuckwithable" vibe.
  19. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The asshole situation is also the worst the city has ever seen.
  20. B

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, that's Rob Ford for you.
