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  1. P

    New Land Transfer Tax

    ^^^Thanks for posting the columns. Can you post the Sept. 22 John Barber one between this column and the last you posted titled "A bit of patronage would go a long way at City Hall", as I'm not a subscriber so don't have the access to read it. quick response below, thanks
  2. P

    Avonshire (Yonge/401, Tridel/K&G, 14 + 21 + 3x 22s, Kirkor) COMPLETE

    I like the Avondale layout, you have to shout out conversations when you're outdoors even in the middle of the night, but if people are willling to live with that, it's great for the area.
  3. P

    Pro-City citizens group--Meeting tonight, 9/11

    So because the mayor has far more power, we should let him have his way with everything? There is a reason for the councillors, they aren't all supposed to be yes-men. I'm not specifically defending Denzil, it's just plainly a weak argument to say that the councillors should individually...
  4. P

    Pro-City citizens group--Meeting tonight, 9/11

    Can you post the link to the article so we can read it? When the taxes were denied I remember reading a list of suggestions by different councillors of ways to possibly improve the fiscal situation. I'm not sure, but I doubt they'd have the sources, manpower and information at hand like the...
  5. P

    Pro-City citizens group--Meeting tonight, 9/11

    Commercial property taxes are much higher in Toronto.
  6. P

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    Not sure about that one. According to a recent survey:
  7. P

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    You haven't given a solution to the problem either. The homelessness issue as a whole is a very complicated one which would require a lot of time and analysis before coming up with anything resembling a solution. What I wouldn't recommend is accepting a persons prejudices against a certain...
  8. P

    Stinson files for bankruptcy protection

    I think that's the worst possible fortune cookie outcome he could've gotten considering they're usually so positive.
  9. P

    We Will Rock You/Hotel combo?

    I'm not saying everyone in NYC is better dressed, of course you'll find people who dress down just like anywhere, but I think NYC on average would definitely be more concerned about this kind of thing. If you want, you can address the points I made in the other thread.
  10. P

    We Will Rock You/Hotel combo?

    Heeeee... Hoooooo.... Heeeeeee... Hooooo okay, I feel better I'll try to cut back on the wild accusations...
  11. P

    We Will Rock You/Hotel combo?

    I understand what you're saying, but your post was really random and it may not have been directed at me, but I would think it was directed at the discussion that I started only a few days before. I've only been on this forum a few months before June, but I think that is enough time and I...
  12. P

    We Will Rock You/Hotel combo?

    Wow, that was incredibly disrespectful!! I'm assuming these comments were meant for me, cuz I think I'm the only one who has made a comment relating to this topic. I just found this now and instead of making backhanded comments about me like a coward in a completely unrelated thread, why don't...
  13. P

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    Lol, I hope you didn't make that up to take a shot at me. The only time I can remember it happening, I was around my mid-teens and I was short a quarter to get into the ttc. Cut me some slack. Also forgive me for taking on the naive stance of wanting to help someone out of a bit of trouble...
  14. P

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    The problem is sometimes you don't know if it's a beggar or not. The girl wasn't posing as a beggar, she was posing as a person who came into an unfortunate accident of forgetting to not bring enough money from home. I've gone through the same situation when I was younger of being stranded at...
  15. P

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    There's a girl who did that on college and yonge too. I gave her a bit the first time, but she did the same thing another day not noticing or caring that she already scammed me. Actually this was well over a year ago and she wasn't well dressed, so maybe she's moved up in panhandling/scam status.
  16. P

    Toronto Tourism

    Well yes, this is true, it's just that the average tourist wouldn't fit into that mold just because there aren't many of them in the first place. The average tourist would be middle class visiting the expensive tourist areas along with the wealthy tourists.
  17. P

    Toronto Tourism

    right, that makes some sense. Parsons school of design has churned out some superstar designers. Many flagship designer stores open in NYC first. The major fashion publications are based in NYC. Many fashion trends started by the bohemians in NYC are copied the world over. Maybe this is a...
  18. P

    Toronto Tourism

    Then what kind of tourist are you referring to? a very select few of them? Because the majority aren't hipster, bohemian or fashionista cosmopolitan types. Although NYC would also be the biggest attraction for those types of people and I wonder for what reason?
  19. P

    Toronto Tourism

    ehhh, I'd think the opposite. The tourists such as me tend to be the unstylish people.
