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    U.S. Elections 2008

    Why is it whenever an oppressed person publicizes the truth about the "real" faults of so-called contemporary society, they're always condemned for it? Retribution is retribution and we have no right today to judge anyone who's antiestablishment when the US-led war effort has butchered hundreds...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Simple: I want you to think. Life's not about cookie-cutter answers. Why should you validate my posts if they aren't impactful? You're acting like one of those people who complains when the movie ends in an unformulaic manner, saying "I don't get it". Being an asshole IS anonymous. Man, woman...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    A handful of incidents in constrast to a well-documented, multigenerational, democratically sanctioned, will of the people movement to dehumanize blacks, doesn't collude my usage of never. Being so unilateral in your judgment of me would make you forget our actions have a quantitative affect...

    Sheppard Stubway

    Jane Street's the only one of the seven which is highly residential from start to finish. In my opinion it should not have been selected for Transit City becuase the 35 bus often routes half-empty through parts of the day. Kipling from Humber College to Steeles West would've been the wiser...

    The Great PC/Mac Debate (Embarrassing Revelations for Windows Vista)

    :eek: That looks like the new crapola computers they retrofited into one of my school's tech labs. I found using them very impractical as they were typecase-sensitive, took forever to load pages (and the spinning pinwheel of doom didn't help), and would often preform involuntary tasks I didn't...

    Toronto Loses Grand Prix

    You've gotta admit alot of these summertime events are "staged", making Toronto seem more diversified and cosmopolitan than it really is though. It's like how much redundant street carnies does it take before you'd rather escape town and spend your $ for thrills elsewhere. Niagara Falls for me...

    Mississauga Mississauga Transitway | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | IBI Group

    What does it matter to mass transit infrastructure that there's storefront units in condos? Square One with every possible amenity imaginable is right there in proximity. We don't don't need to overload the area with an incessant ad space venue for chain stores, 5 McDonald's in a 500 yard...

    Transit City Plan

    Streetcars are worst on this charge as many a bus can easily beat the lights as it changes yellow. When the 512 was replaced by buses, what was once a 10 minute wait for a eastbound from Gunns Loop suddenly became a 90 seconds frequency. I found the speed and duration of travel vastly improved...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Use have to understand though that I try to incorporate alot of the terms I've learned in university to the discussion. I like to think of UT as a clever, deductive set that can figure their way through even enigmatic language. Overflows, brims. Brims, overflows. Normative discourse studies...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Okay I'll dumb it down for the masses. "Asshole" is a raceless insult, it can refer to anyone regardless of ethnic background. As such it's a neutral swear word and her use of it overflows with the type of cultural anonymity at the heart of what normative discourse studies is all about. That...

    Toronto Loses Grand Prix

    Here, here WH! There comes a point when every annual event is exposed for the plastically fake, avant gard-esque, semiotic attempts made to market Toronto as a world-class city worthy of paying for the same ol' crap. There was a time, before the harshities of life set in, when these events were...

    Rename Lionel-Groulx Station for Oscar Peterson?

    When myself and family went to Montreal two summers ago, I took up the bad habit of pronouncing street addresses as they were spelt in utter English lexicon. Not that I let that on to Francophones or anything.

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    And he did so without defaming my character. Using ad hominen attacks to exemplify the mental anguish of ad hominen attacks perpetraited on me, for just unfiltering the lens of contemporary Western society, is no different than other forms of reverse psychology. Why should rpgr and Steve_D, get...

    Sheppard Stubway

    We can make compromises for both. I don't think someone whose journey began in Rexdale should be subjected to multiple hours of commuting to get to SCC for the sake of a few hundred intermittant stops for a handful of people per pause. 400m should be the standard distance between stops...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Did either of you take notice to how Enviro was able to critique my posts without resorting to petty, juvenile ad hominen attacks on my character? Nice to see someone here still adheres to courteous and respectful codes of behaviour. If you both are that immature and incapable of contributing...

    Sheppard Stubway

    How disappointing! You guys just might convince me yet that extending the Sheppard subway truly is the best option. Who knows, stranger things have happened ;).

    U.S. Elections 2008

    How do you know who offered who what and which candidate would subordinate to the other? It's the Clintons' ego and narcisssism that won't allow a former first lady to play second-tier to Obama, IMO. Furthermore, why would the Democrats risk losing the election by putting double minority...

    Sheppard Stubway

    I think it goes beyond 'spite'. You have to realize that 80% of Torontonians don't 'naturally' need to access or travel through that part of the world. So for a vast majority of non-transit fanatics it'll look like a waste of funds, especially when BRT/LRT is overlooked as a viable alternative...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Nice to hear since you definitely need God, son. I'll say a little prayer for your tortured soul. Since this thread has completely devolved to hell, I may as well now. I'm not gonna take shit from anyone, life's too short to have to defend these ad hominen attacks on my character constantly...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Whoa, someone went off their meds apparently. Calm down and realize what I said wasn't to belittle you. Doesn't it not say somewhere in scripture: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."...
