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  1. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My sneaking suspicion is that we won't hear from the man for a loooong time. He's a threat and a menace to himself and anyone associated with him. This is the Ford family version of committing the problem sibling to the asylum...just get him out of the way. He might turn up before the...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You could call it "Doug Dynasty", as in Doug Sr. Seriously, the title practically writes itself.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Maybe they think that the only way to limit his alcohol and crack intake is to keep him airborne as much as possible.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think Doug's cry-cry was legit. He's mourning the loss of his own political hopes and dreams.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This was my exact thinking once the presser was announced.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm reminded of what Marty from True Detective said in the final episode: “We ain’t gonna get them all...That ain’t the kind of world it is. But we got ours.â€
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does that mean that "subways subways subways" is a common expression in newspeak?
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is that what "drunk in the park" becomes when you put it through the MM filter? Edit: I tease, I tease...I'm a MM fan 4 life.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, what do you know. DiGirgio is all forthright the night of, then Doug gets back in town and he has completely changed his tune. What a ka-winkee-dink.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Off-topic, but why do so many of these people have tiled photos/images as their Twitter backgrounds? Talk about a 1990s Web aesthetic rearing its ugly head again.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound combative. I get what you're saying and I probably was too blunt. Really, everything's cool here :)
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wouldn't be quite so harsh to westyvt. Really, just knowing that there are people outside our borders who care about this story and sympathize with us makes me feel better. It doesn't change much, but it helps, and we need to take what we can get at this point.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I find it interesting that these events are barely registering with the public or with the MSM. Even on the Sun (website) front page the only Ford link is to the "dirty cops" reference. The Leafs vs. Bruins game is what everyone is talking about, not Ford. What this tells me is that even if...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To play the hopeless optimist again, maybe the OPP leaked this info to the press knowing that charges were imminent. They wanted to make their position clear right at the outset to cover their backsides in case things go south. Maybe???
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Brazen 2 is ongoing, at least. So it's not all shut down.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To be hopelessly optimistic here, at least from the sounds of it this only pertains to the extortion charge...which all of us generally agreed was the weakest of the potential, alleged misdeeds by RoFo. Also, the lines that the OPP is feeding people here would be the exact same stuff the Fords...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also in Ottawa at the time. I'm pretty sure the shooter said he was going to target the first onscreen personality that he recognized. So he was kind of after a media person, but mostly he was severely mentally ill, as you say. Very sad time in Ottawa when it happened. That and the OC...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does that make Sandro his Dr. Feelgood?
  19. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Lots of (understandable) anxiety on this thread today. Someone call RF and see if he can score us all some Oxy.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Maybe by "roundtable" he thinks they mean the kitchen table.
