Address: 55 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education, Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 930 ft / 283.60 mStoreys: 85 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

It’s going to be asphalt paving.

Just to say here, asphalt paving should not be acceptable in any park except as a cycle path/track or a driveway.

Not everything need be granite, but we can do better than asphalt in just about any park, and certainly one in such a prominent location.
Just to say here, asphalt paving should not be acceptable in any park except as a cycle path/track or a driveway.

Not everything need be granite, but we can do better than asphalt in just about any park, and certainly one in such a prominent location.


I’m still holding out hope on this being ‘base’ condition, with a bit more spending by the developer to add a bit more than would typically be considered base. Leslie Lookout Park has asphalt paths too though, so who knows.
Good news:

I can confirm everything I’ve mentioned is interim condition.

But why have an interim park at all - were the developer parkland funds directed elsewhere ? I just don't understand why they wouldn't have built the park in it's final form - so it's the city that needs to build it down the road implying we're likely talking about decades ?
But why have an interim park at all - were the developer parkland funds directed elsewhere ? I just don't understand why they wouldn't have built the park in it's final form - so it's the city that needs to build it down the road implying we're likely talking about decades ?

It has to do with the conveyance of land. The developer needs to hand it off to the city in base condition so the city can build it out. They also need to do so at a predetermined time, eg. prior to building permit, or prior to registration etc.They’ve likely reached that time trigger.

It could be that the new plans for the final block of Sugar Wharf have triggered that sooner than anticipated, hence why the park isn’t designed yet but is being conveyed.
But why have an interim park at all - were the developer parkland funds directed elsewhere ? I just don't understand why they wouldn't have built the park in it's final form - so it's the city that needs to build it down the road implying we're likely talking about decades ?
The park could be part of them prepping for a sale center for the towers better to have a landscaped area then just a blank canvas
One hopes that the city will improve what's conveyed over to them, and this doesn't just sit as the sorry/sad thing that we're seeing being constructed right now.

Last thing we need is this being added to the city list of approved/unfunded projects and this just stays the way it is until the city finds funding to improve or build the park to whatever the ultimate vision is.
One hopes that the city will improve what's conveyed over to them, and this doesn't just sit as the sorry/sad thing that we're seeing being constructed right now.

Last thing we need is this being added to the city list of approved/unfunded projects and this just stays the way it is until the city finds funding to improve or build the park to whatever the ultimate vision is.
Remember the saying "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". What is there now is "OK" and, as noted above, FAR better that the wasteland we have had for ages. However, it IS right beside what will be a large building site and it is probably best NOT to do too much more to the site until that settles down as these things always spread out or trucks decide to park there etc etc.
Remember the saying "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". What is there now is "OK" and, as noted above, FAR better that the wasteland we have had for ages. However, it IS right beside what will be a large building site and it is probably best NOT to do too much more to the site until that settles down as these things always spread out or trucks decide to park there etc etc.
This is very true and I completely agree with there being this semi-improvement come through.

This city just has a complacency problem (to which hopefully we're moving away from) and I hope this park doesnt get caught up in that.
Remember the saying "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". What is there now is "OK" and, as noted above, FAR better that the wasteland we have had for ages. However, it IS right beside what will be a large building site and it is probably best NOT to do too much more to the site until that settles down as these things always spread out or trucks decide to park there etc etc.
I had always presumed until they started working on this that this park would be the last thing to work on once everything else was topped out and cladded. Like the sidewalk detailing after they finished the outsides of a tower/podium. So I was a little surprised they went with the park first...

...but in retrospect, I can see why they would do this first since all the building are on the north side. And yeah, seeing that mud field till they build everything else would of been a fairly dystopic eyesore, so we shouldn't be complaining, I guess. And now it doesn't sound like they've finished with it once they focus on the construction proper. So we should sit back, relax and enjoy the show?
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