Address: 55 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education, Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 930 ft / 283.60 mStoreys: 85 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

Wish the city was better at communicating what's currently going on and what the plan is. The fact that it's even a temporary green space is amazing though.

The general public is eventually going to read some meta-article from blogTO and start forming their own narrative "Torontonians shocked at quality of new park".
Those trees look pretty permanent to me.
Those trees look pretty permanent to me.
As we saw a month or so ago, the first thing they did was put in drains and water. One would only do this (well, do it rationally) if you had a PLAN. I assume that what tey mean by a temporary park is one where the basic things like drains, water and, yes, trees, is 'final' while the rest is not yet set in stone (or concrete).
OMG I can’t believe I missed that they narrowed the tower designs here! It’s a revelation for viewing through to the waterfront, the previous design was going to be a solid wall of condos.

This is how I think it will look like directly southwards as the new design, much better than just seeing the water only down Freeland StIMG_9666.jpeg
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I'd assume the school is important to the community no? Why do they delay the school makes no sense.
I'd assume the school is important to the community no? Why do they delay the school makes no sense.
There was no way this school was ever going to be completed on time as previously announced. Moving the school to the front building probably allows it to be built and/or open before the condos are started/finished compared to the first design and current market conditions. What happens next? Who knows.
Such prime real estate sitting empty in Canada's largest city.
This is a pretty big project - and it seems like the rendering is not even final. Since there are more than usual unsold inventories in market, I guess they will wait a bit.

I am genuinely surprised that Pinnacle is so aggressive.
As we saw a month or so ago, the first thing they did was put in drains and water. One would only do this (well, do it rationally) if you had a PLAN. I assume that what tey mean by a temporary park is one where the basic things like drains, water and, yes, trees, is 'final' while the rest is not yet set in stone (or concrete).
Nope, nothing that has gone in is necessarily final. That's not to say that it's a guarantee that none of the trees will stay, for example, but the final design is not dependent of keeping anything from what is being transferred to the City, including the drains.
This is a pretty big project - and it seems like the rendering is not even final. Since there are more than usual unsold inventories in market, I guess they will wait a bit.

I am genuinely surprised that Pinnacle is so aggressive.
Pinnacle's tower was sold during the period prior to the current slowdown. Pretty much anything going up now represents sales from three or four or more years ago. The development industry takes a while to respond to demand, as so much has to be lined up — financing, equipment, materials, workers — to put a big building up. Cranes are basically a delayed economic indicator.

