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Recent content by DD13

  1. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Had a very fast phone poll today, on my cell. It asked about local councillors first, then was I voting for Tory, Ford or Chow. No other options. Lastly, it asked me to select the most pressing issue, the first half of which were transportation: 1) traffic and gridlock 2) public transit 3)...
  2. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I was, of course, tempted to strategically vote in order to avoid more Ford years, but then I realized that my only true action against this madness is to vote for the person I think would best govern. Not the person I think best campaigned. A zinger at a debate is not a skill I require of a mayor.
  3. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The comments below KDs new Star story about cancer screening are virtually all supportive of Ford. It's amazing to me that sympathy alters the way one would vote.
  4. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does anyone have screen grabs? I did a Google search of the site and only one page mentions it, so I wasn't able to open a cached version. And waybackmachine doesn't seem to have anything.
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So everyone's prediction that Mikey was just a seat warmer were 100% correct. Will none of Ford Nation find this a little too cynical? That he was running not because he cared about the ward, but as part of a strategic ploy? Plus, don't these type of people typically decry nepotism?
  6. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree, it's a shame to see Chow written off because she can't campaign as charismatically as we'd all like. Her track record is enough for me. I'd almost rather Ford than Tory. Ford will self-destruct, possibly end up in handcuffs and always be unable to ram his right wing agenda through. John...
  7. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Presumption of innocence is one thing, but a police chief who has information and still FAST TRACKS an application is maybe a bit questionable, no?
  8. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can anyone here point me to a fairly succinct (and fair, balanced) text on the current transit debate? I'm particularly interested in the idea of the downtown relief line vs Scarborough. Thanks.
  9. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So a U of T think tank releases a report that says "Toronto doesn't have a spending problem, it has a revenue problem" and Rob Ford holds a press conference to say "see, we don't have a spending problem", ignoring the fact that the report contradicts his entire raison d'être (not raising...
  10. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    We need a picture of Joe W at the grill. Anyone there who can provide one?
  11. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The fringe candidates need to pack it in quickly. They run the risk of siphoning votes from true RF alternatives (ST got 1883 votes last time, despite dropping out of the race) but more importantly they make Ford look good in comparison. Jimmy Kimmel was not alone in his assessment that Ford...
  12. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Who the fuck is funding Sarah Thomson's campaign? And why does she think arriving everywhere by horse is somehow making a valid point?
  13. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Any follow up on that report that RF might have been high today or yesterday, while speaking to a journalist?
  14. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    How MM can post anything about a Ford arrest without a huge caveat is beyond me. But I guess if Bill Kristol continues to be asked his predictions...
  15. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

