Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Perhaps the global economic meltdown will come to our rescue and Offshore Flipper - or whoever's supposedly buying apartments in this silly thing - will retrench to Dubai. The ill-defined cultural component was all puffery too.
It was all too easy to do a major surgery at "L" -- simply lop off the toe of the boot. I don't know how you could do the equivalent at Pier 27. Nor do I know why you would want to; I like Pier 27 (just my own opinion, of course).
Maybe they could achieve the original design by seeking funding from the Italian ministry of tourism.

Maybe they could achieve the original design by seeking funding from the Italian ministry of tourism.

Or we can get a tower like Fiera Milano. (See "Berlusconi's Viagra" in the Rest of the Universe Architecture discussion)

This is the most disappointing news of 2008 as far as urban developments go. Why can't Toronto do creative and unique? Do we always have to be conservative and boring? Ugh!
the point is ... the proposed revisions to L Tower is disappointing + frustrating
Absolutely. I was going to mention that, and I've always thought, from his buildings that I've seen, that he's a great architect. He's given us a unique building whether we like it or not.
