Toronto 1175 Weston Road & 17 Locust Street | 164.92m | 48s | KingSett Capital | Giannone Petricone

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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This is actually a 2 tower proposal, but on two close, not distinct parcels. The proposal is for 2 towers, one of 48s and one of 38s.

This parcel is actually the 38s parcel, but as they are related, I am highlighting the taller building for now.

@interchange42 will need to provide input; not only are the two developments related, but the documents are similar or identical for both and each set references both buildings.

But they are filed as 2 distinct applications. I'm just going to the one thread for now. But I will include links to both zoning applications here.

Rendering: (Tower B)


Site Plan: (Tower A):


Site Plan: (Tower B):


Ground Floor Tower A:


Ground Floor Tower B:



Resident Parking: Zero !

Elevators are a bit light.

Beyond that I will not place commentary for now, while its sorted out whether to have 2 distinct threads!

Tower A Zoning Link:

Tower B Zoning Link:

So, scientifically speaking, what a weird site! That's a Green P parking lot that snakes through the middle of it, and it's making me wonder if the City will wanna do a deal to consolidate things, or… …?

We'll go with one DB file and thread for the moment!

This might eventually become three projects / threads, when you see that the proponent also owns the buildings at the corner of Hollis / Weston, where it proposes "future lowrise retail development".

I would be surprised if that does not, some years down the line, become a highrise development as well, rather than the lowrise stated.
Useless parkland dedication! There's so much park space around the corner that could use improvements. The City should also make the dev pay to get rid of the channelized right turns at Weston and Lawrence.
This might eventually become three projects / threads, when you see that the proponent also owns the buildings at the corner of Hollis / Weston, where it proposes "future lowrise retail development".

I would be surprised if that does not, some years down the line, become a highrise development as well, rather than the lowrise stated.

Borderline, at best.

The residual holdings are under ~12000ft2 which is a small site for a tower; The separation from the lot line here to the podium of 'Tower B' is also ~18M or a bit under by my measure. Tower setbacks can make the separation distance work, but on a small site to begin with, it would a challenge.

IF the useless park goes forward (it shouldn't) you'd also have shadowing issues).

My read is that the floor plate for this site would be less than 700M2 with required setbacks.

Interchange42's notion of a land swap with the City has some merit here; but I'll have to come back to the plan (and what's going on nearby) to see what might work.
Borderline, at best.

The residual holdings are under ~12000ft2 which is a small site for a tower; The separation from the lot line here to the podium of 'Tower B' is also ~18M or a bit under by my measure. Tower setbacks can make the separation distance work, but on a small site to begin with, it would a challenge.

IF the useless park goes forward (it shouldn't) you'd also have shadowing issues).

My read is that the floor plate for this site would be less than 700M2 with required setbacks.

Interchange42's notion of a land swap with the City has some merit here; but I'll have to come back to the plan (and what's going on nearby) to see what might work.

Good points. Still would not be surprised if there weren't a push for that, as I said, years down the line. Maybe the economics will eventually make sense for a tight site there.

However, my preferred development for that corner lot actually would be neither low- nor high- rise, but a midrise. 6 to 8 floors, apartments with retail at ground.
Borderline, at best.

The residual holdings are under ~12000ft2 which is a small site for a tower; The separation from the lot line here to the podium of 'Tower B' is also ~18M or a bit under by my measure. Tower setbacks can make the separation distance work, but on a small site to begin with, it would a challenge.

IF the useless park goes forward (it shouldn't) you'd also have shadowing issues).

My read is that the floor plate for this site would be less than 700M2 with required setbacks.

Interchange42's notion of a land swap with the City has some merit here; but I'll have to come back to the plan (and what's going on nearby) to see what might work.
North site is 725sm, south site is 647sm:
North site is 725sm, south site is 647sm:
View attachment 536441

Just for clarity, the discussion above was for the floor plate on the 'future development' site.

That said, point taken, if you're going for a 647m2 floor plate, the FD site is probably workable, though I came out with a number slightly smaller back of the napkin (~615m2) based on what I think setback asks would be.
Good points. Still would not be surprised if there weren't a push for that, as I said, years down the line. Maybe the economics will eventually make sense for a tight site there.

However, my preferred development for that corner lot actually would be neither low- nor high- rise, but a midrise. 6 to 8 floors, apartments with retail at ground.

Yeah, I live in the area and I would love to see a decent amount of midrise stretches right on Weston, anywhere from Lambton all the way up to Jane. Excited for development to start kicking off in the area, regardless!

Are the lands in yellow not apart of any of the surrounding developments? What does the yellow indicate? And if not does that leave that little parcel largely undevelopable?
I'm going to add a render from the front page story by @Anthony Teles


Story here:

I'd be interested to hear where that render came from, as I don't remember seeing it in the docs...............

Oh, for the record, Ralph........yuck! LOL Ok, I really like the use of colour, but the goofy little balconies that are functional for nothing are a bad idea; while the offset long ones are just an aesthetic error.
It is interesting to see this intersection’s future finally begin to be fleshed out, at least on paper. This makes me wonder where GB’s rumoured campus along Eglinton will fit in?
View attachment 536669
Are the lands in yellow not apart of any of the surrounding developments? What does the yellow indicate? And if not does that leave that little parcel largely undevelopable?
Yes, the lands in yellow are for another project, which is named in the front page story. When you wonder about something like that, just click on the MAP box at the top of each thread page, locate the area, and find the pins.

It is interesting to see this intersection’s future finally begin to be fleshed out, at least on paper. This makes me wonder where GB’s rumoured campus along Eglinton will fit in?

The possible candidates seem to be the parcel of land next to the No Frills on 25 Photography drive and the 4 Hollis/1169 Weston rd location.

City was discussing possible land acquisition next to the 4 Hollis site on the corner of Hollis/Weston so that would seem like a decent location.
