Northern Light
I disagree - the yellow bricks are a great modern counterpoint to a lot of the older yellow buildings on campus, and ever since they cleaned the facade of Convocation hall the new building is surprisingly similar in colour. I really appreciate the modern contrast between the two and in no way find it overwhelming.
You can see the brick cleaning in process below - note how similar the masonry colours are between the two buildings
View attachment 279197
I second my fandom of the cleaned brick.
Thanks for contributing the photo!
We will have to disagree on Myhal here. Even in this photo, I find it intrusive.
I don't think I would like a 19thC building any better, at that height and placement.
I'm all for contrasting heritage buildings; and having our City adapt to modern realities; I also like spots that give a fulsome sense of a time (which includes scale); and in the same way that I want to be able to sit on a bluff in Rouge Park and not be able to anything urban as far as the eye can see (still possible in one or two spots); here, I want to feel the campus as it was meant to be in the late 19thC.
Yes, I do lament Med. Sci which doesn't fit either.