There was talk last year that one of each type of cars would be keep, but need a stock pile of parts for them to maintain them.I want to forum's thoughts on this. Is it worth starting up an effort to make sure that the TTC preserves at least 1 ALRV for heritage service, to ensure they aren't all scrapped? Maybe get a councillor to put forward a motion? Brad Ross had indicated in twitter awhile back that they may all get scrapped. Would be a damn shame. We all know that they could get a pantograph if needed.
I was pushing for 2 ALRV as 4200 & 4452 with CLRV 4000 now 4001, 4010 and 4196. 4001 now since 4000 is now scrap as first car made oversea , 4010 & 4196 as first and last car made here.
Space is an issue as to where to store all the cars for all the fleet until a new yard is built and being store inside.