Things are starting to heat up to a boiling point with Ford's few allies on the TTC making decisions contradictory to the best interest of Torontonians, obvious to even the least politically savvy. He's also thrown yet another ally -- Karen Stintz -- under the bus even after she tried to make conciliatory moves such as voting against council's wishes to use the money council put back to save bus routes. Stintz was so badly embarrassed today that she had to excuse herself from reporters to go cry in her office. Ford has definitely lost her and the goodwill of the Mighty Middle.
He's closing all the escape routes that Stintz, his own executive committee and the rest of council have been trying to give him to save face.
Finally, Ford is also putting Metrolinx and the province itself irreversibly at odds with his administration.
Rob Ford is wedging himself into a tight corner. Is there any strategy here or is he just that stupid?
To the point, members of council and the media are starting to bring up the possibility that city council can take away the Mayor's powers to appoint chairs to committees and members to the executive.
The way this is headed, the topic of this thread is a very real possibility. Even if Ford decides to stay on, he's making it increasingly likely that council will have to neuter his powers in order to allow them to do their jobs. When it comes to 44 councillors being allowed to continue to do their jobs versus the interests of the Mayor, I think that at least two thirds of those councillors will choose their political careers. Even the opportunistic Mommolitti will turn once he realizes that he's on the wrong side and Ford can't help him.
There is no impeachment process for Ontario municipalities but in a weak mayor system, it isn't needed. Council can terminate the Mayor's powers and get the same effect. This is becoming more likely by the day.
If Ford mercifully decides to leave, there would be a by-election. In a by-election, there would not be a year for viability polling or campaigning so it's likely that the candidates would be the leader of the Mighty Middle versus one of Ford's remaining allies.