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Why do CFL fans think they are more Canadian than you if you don't Cheer for the CFL?


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Apr 30, 2008
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Downtown Toronto, Ontario
Why do CFL fans think they are more Canadian than you?

A few CFL fans I know like to invoke the nationalist argument, that you have to like the CFL because it's Canadian. I ask them why do they bash the CBC (they vote Conservative and are from the west) and eat at McDonalds, just like I east at McD. They say if you like the NFL and not the CFL, you are uncanadian, or not proud to be a Canadian, and use this as another reason to bash Toronto. They also say you have to be a fan of all forms of football, to be a "real fan", yet I didn't and don't know anyone that supported the Majors when they were here or support the Marlies now. Same as I didn't support the Majors, I don't really like the CFL now. I told him same as I like he dislikes the CBC, I dislike the CFL and its a choice I made, just as he did to like the CFL, nothing against him. He claims the CBC is a lefty biased channel, that does not desrve support. I told him that being Canadian is not defined by any one instituion.

My question is, why do you have to like the CFL (and do other things.) to be a "good Canadian". ? Are we not allowed to make our own choices? How does this make me a bad person? Does it make me less Canadian?
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I did my under graduate in Calgary. At the school we had people from sask, edminton, from vancouver... I had many of the same conversations. That because I like the NFL I wasnt a true canadian. However it should be noted that I did some internships in Ottawa and had the same conversations. When they find out I am from Toronto, the conversation turns from being about sports to "oh you just want to be an american." For whatever reason people refuse to believe I simply choose the NFL because the players are more skilled. I dont know why that is a crazy reason. If their was a canadian car manufactorer that made cars but were worse then hyndais from the 80's would you be considered more canadian for buying that product versus the person who goes and buys a benz. I think alot of it has to do with marketing. CFL markets itself almost as bodly canadian as MOLSON does. I dont know how people cant see this and choose rationally.. They keep telling me the rules are better. I keep saying the NFL players are better. Then its a matter of national pride. I dont understand it. I simply think these people are intimdated by the NFL or even worse are concerned the NFL will come to Toronto and the CFL will cease to exsist. At least if that happened I wouldnt need to be engaged in these stupid debates.
I did my under graduate in Calgary. At the school we had people from sask, edminton, from vancouver... I had many of the same conversations. That because I like the NFL I wasnt a true canadian. However it should be noted that I did some internships in Ottawa and had the same conversations. When they find out I am from Toronto, the conversation turns from being about sports to "oh you just want to be an american." For whatever reason people refuse to believe I simply choose the NFL because the players are more skilled. I dont know why that is a crazy reason. If their was a canadian car manufactorer that made cars but were worse then hyndais from the 80's would you be considered more canadian for buying that product versus the person who goes and buys a benz. I think alot of it has to do with marketing. CFL markets itself almost as bodly canadian as MOLSON does. I dont know how people cant see this and choose rationally.. They keep telling me the rules are better. I keep saying the NFL players are better. Then its a matter of national pride. I dont understand it. I simply think these people are intimdated by the NFL or even worse are concerned the NFL will come to Toronto and the CFL will cease to exsist. At least if that happened I wouldnt need to be engaged in these stupid debates.

That's what I think too. I mean. If your such a good Canadian why bash everything else BUT the CFL. And hwo exactly are the rules better right? Because of high scoring. Are these not the same people who fight not to change the nets in the NHL.
It's ironic to say that preferring one league makes you more American when gridiron football is so strongly associated with American culture. There are some rule changes in the Canadian version, but it's still a very similar sport. If you want to be Canadian, let's talk about hockey, or the multicultural favourite: soccer. There's nothing wrong with enjoying football or any sport, but invoking patriotism to support it isn't convincing. If any sports fan in Canada ever talks about Toronto wanting to be American, our religious following of our hockey team, even when it's among the worst in the league, is the easy response.
It's ironic to say that preferring one league makes you more American when gridiron football is so strongly associated with American culture. There are some rule changes in the Canadian version, but it's still a very similar sport. If you want to be Canadian, let's talk about hockey, or the multicultural favourite: soccer. There's nothing wrong with enjoying football or any sport, but invoking patriotism to support it isn't convincing. If any sports fan in Canada ever talks about Toronto wanting to be American, our religious following of our hockey team, even when it's among the worst in the league, is the easy response.

Thank You!!!
I was looking for a generic CFL thread to post in - but couldn't find one, and I didn't think it warrants a new thread.

The new CFL franchise in Ottawa, that is to start in 2014, has finally got a name - the RedBlacks. Same team colours as before.

It will be nice to have Winnipeg back in the West Conference.

Other questions!

Will there be any other expansion occurring soon - 9 teams is not balanced and difficult to schedule?
How many Rough Riders / Roughriders jokes will appear?
Will there be any other expansion occurring soon - 9 teams is not balanced and difficult to schedule?
I'm sure 10 teams is the goal but they need to find an owner and a suitable stadium.

The league had 9 teams from the 50s to the 80s so that type of scheduling has been done before. The NFL has also done it -- 1966, and also from 1999-2001.
Yet another example how stupid patriotism and nationalism are.

Nationalism, patriotism, theism, and capitalism - these I think are the greatest problems with our world. They are the source of all the conflict and the atrocities and they need to be eradicated.
If ten teams is the goal, where will the tenth one be located? The Maritimes seems to be a given, but can they support a team? Could Saskatoon support a team and balance out the East-West split?
Moncton, Halifax, Quebec City and London are the cities mentioned most often. Saskatoon would mean Winnipeg being in the East, which they don't want long-term. And I doubt the Riders or the league are eager for a team in Saskatoon.

In any case, there won't be a 10th team until/unless an owner and a stadium fall into place at the same time, as happened with Ottawa.
Moncton, Halifax, Quebec City and London are the cities mentioned most often. Saskatoon would mean Winnipeg being in the East, which they don't want long-term. And I doubt the Riders or the league are eager for a team in Saskatoon.

In any case, there won't be a 10th team until/unless an owner and a stadium fall into place at the same time, as happened with Ottawa.

I think the Maritimes can only suport one team, and eve that woudl be a stretch. I would choose Moncton since they already have a stadium of some sorts and they are centrally located between Halifax, St. John and Fredericton.

The other team would be Quebec City, which has a large enough population. Perhaps the corporate money is waiting for a hockey team and that has put this franchise on hold. I have also heard that perhaps Montreal has some rights to be the only team in the Province - not sure if this is true.

One of these teams would make an east-west balance of 5 each. Two of these would still work with a 6 team east and 5 team west. I do see some difficulties in adding another team in the West. The Roughriders have really been marketted as Saskatchewan's team and it may be difficult for a City Saskatoon's size to support a team when much of the surrounding areas may stay fans of the Roughies.

I would be happy enough if Ottawa can thrive (or at least survive) and a tenth team would just be an extra bonus.
