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News   Sep 06, 2024
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What's the nastiest thing you've ever seen on the subway, bus, streetcar or station?

It pales in to comparison to what has been described so far, but I watched a guy eat a full fast-food meal on the subway and dispose all the waste bit-by-bit directly on the floor.

Eats sandwich, dripping bits on the floor, then throws burger wrapper on the floor. Eats fries... fry box on the floor. Wipes hands... serviettes on the floor, one-by-one. Bag on the floor. Empty drink on the floor.

I'm pretty sure that I just plain stared with my mouth agape. It was disgusting.

I'd say this is a pretty common display all around the City. I see people eating right next to a hotdog vendor, with the trash can immediately in front of them, and they just leisurely toss their napkin/wrapper onto the sidewalk without giving it a second though. And for those who like to pretend it's all 905ers, think again...

That fact that your revelation wasn't intentional only lends it more credence. We all tend to do what you did, but it's important that we call each other out on it.

Anyways, the nastiest thing I ever saw was some mentally-ill guy horking digusting, phlegmy loogies onto the streetcar floor, and then complaining loudly about all the "faggots" in Toronto.

Yeah, I see a ton of these guys on the street car. The worst one is a fellow who occasionally boards around Shaw/Ossington, leaving at Roncesvalles. He curses, he yells at specific people on the car, uttering every vile racist, and homophobic slur in the book. I've seen quite a few people very upset by him, and a few that nearly tossed him through a window. It's pretty sad.
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Come to think of it, a year ago I came across some Dimitri-The-Lover-acolyte type on the subway, uttering sexist tripe directly at at least a couple of women and leading them to sit elsewhere, etc...also sang "Poker Face"...
I do not see why people are afraid of the guy. I talked to him, he's loopy, but he's not stupid.

Sorry, but subway trains isn't a place for pushups or gymnastics. If someone feel like suspending themselves upside down from the handrail after binge drinking (and yes, I have seen that on a train at 9:30 at night), please, at least have the courtesy of falling down headfirst and breaking their neck in a nice, clean way.

I lived in Parkdale for 6 months in 1984-85, and I swear the same man rode the streetcar back then. I once saw a driver stop the rig, grab the offender by the throat, and toss him off the car, then calmly proceed downtown to general applause. Wouldn't happen now. The next year I lived in South Riverdale. Saturday mornings, a nice, insane WWI-vintage old man would ride the car to the Eaton Centre tapping his cane and singing the last four lines of O Canada. Over, and over, and over. I used to call him The Tape Loop. A little embarassing, but a nice thing, not a nasty one.
Guy gets on a subway with a bag of McDonald's food. Some blind Muslim guy gets on and decides he's hungry and starts grabbing for the guy's bag of food. The guy with the bag of food kind of doesn't want him to take his food so he pulls the bag out of the blind guy's grabby hands. The blind guy responds with more aggressive grabbing for his food. The guy with the food starts landing punches on the blind guy. The blind guy tries to whack the guy with the food using his cane.

I'm really not sure who was in the right. I think I side with the guy with the food.
Guy gets on a subway with a bag of McDonald's food. Some blind Muslim guy gets on and decides he's hungry and starts grabbing for the guy's bag of food. The guy with the bag of food kind of doesn't want him to take his food so he pulls the bag out of the blind guy's grabby hands. The blind guy responds with more aggressive grabbing for his food. The guy with the food starts landing punches on the blind guy. The blind guy tries to whack the guy with the food using his cane.

I'm really not sure who was in the right. I think I side with the guy with the food.

Being blind doesn't give one a license to assault others, so I don't see how this is ambiguous.
I saw a guy clipping his nails today. He was so socially unaware that he didn't see everybody staring at him or me taking his photo from two feet away.

I had been watching some of those old Coronet social conformity films from the fifties on YouTube yesterday. It would be great if there was a Coronet film on subway manners. They made films on everything else, from appropriate topics at the family dinner table to controlling your emotions, so you'd think they would have covered cutting your nails in one of them.
I saw a guy clipping his nails today. He was so socially unaware that he didn't see everybody staring at him or me taking his photo from two feet away.

I had been watching some of those old Coronet social conformity films from the fifties on YouTube yesterday. It would be great if there was a Coronet film on subway manners. They made films on everything else, from appropriate topics at the family dinner table to controlling your emotions, so you'd think they would have covered cutting your nails in one of them.

What a douche.
On the B-D line towards Runnymede on a weekday afternoon.

I saw a strange looking guy reach into his scrappy looking duffle bag, pull out a square can of paint thinner, pour it onto a rag, and then begin huffing it. The subway car was say 70% full, and a few moments after this guy began doing his thing, everyone was piled into the far side of the train. He was drooling everywhere and had snot hanging from his face. I guess the climax of story is when he started happily licking the metal pole in front of him.

I've also seen an elderly CHINESE woman get verbally assaulted by a mentally ill WHITE guy to the point where I couldn`t take it anymore and steped in with a threat of my own to make him stop.

Side note on littering. I watched a woman empty her garbage out of her benz at red light on Dundas once. I never thought littering would make me so furious. I screamed at her at the next light, even launched the C word. Her response was `who the f*uck cares.`
On the B-D line towards Runnymede on a weekday afternoon.

I saw a strange looking guy reach into his scrappy looking duffle bag, pull out a square can of paint thinner, pour it onto a rag, and then begin huffing it. The subway car was say 70% full, and a few moments after this guy began doing his thing, everyone was piled into the far side of the train. He was drooling everywhere and had snot hanging from his face. I guess the climax of story is when he started happily licking the metal pole in front of him.

I've also seen an elderly CHINESE woman get verbally assaulted by a mentally ill WHITE guy to the point where I couldn`t take it anymore and steped in with a threat of my own to make him stop.

Side note on littering. I watched a woman empty her garbage out of her benz at red light on Dundas once. I never thought littering would make me so furious. I screamed at her at the next light, even launched the C word. Her response was `who the f*uck cares.`

This all seems pretty common! There's an obviously mentally ill guy that gets on the 501 Queen Street once in a while and just starts chewing out everyone. Usually homophobic, or racist remakes to everyone in sight. Occasionally he'll get too aggressive and people will step in and he'll sort of shut up until he drops off at Roncesvalles.

Definitely seen a lot of littering in the city. The best is when people try to shove something into an over flowing garbage bin, and it just falls out. They just look and shrug, acting as if 'well i tried to do my part'. Makes me pretty angry, as does the more casual littering of course. :mad:
I once saw a young man in a subway car who was clearly a newcomer to this country really doing a number on his nostril. Really digging in there, going' deep. Where he came from, this must be acceptable, because he wasn't trying to hide it in any way. He was looking right at me while in exploratory mode... no shame or embarrassment. And then he hit the motherload... a big juicy one... which he then proceeded to rub along the vertical hand rail by his seat. Really goin' up and down vigorously to make sure it was off his finger before his stop. All the while, the chap is looking right at me, as if this was normal behaviour. Absolutely disgusting.

I was on a bus in Peterborough once and there was a family of four standing nearby. The mother was yelling at her daughter (aged 8-9 at the oldest) about how stupid she was, how there was no point in trying to teach her math, and how she was going to ask the teacher to stick her in "the retard class where [she] belongs." The father and sister didn't intervene. The whole bus sat there for ten minutes listening to this woman get louder and more aggressive with her child. The family got off the bus, and is we were passing them the woman started beating this poor little girl right there on the sidewalk. Absolutley disgusting.

Nastiest thing on the TTC? A man on the subway sat down beside my friend and started masturbating. She took one look at him and burst out laughing, yelling for the whole car to hear "Oh my God! Look at how small it is!" He pulled his sweatpants back up and got off at the next stop looking utterly defeated. It was pretty hilarious.
