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Victoria Day Weekend

Went to the cottage, as one does April through October.
Battled Scientologist protesters at the American Psychiatric Association meeting... photos to come...

Today (Monday) I was with a friend who happens to be a reporter for 640 News. We were planning a daytrip through Burlington, Hamilton and Port Dover. When we were trying to reach Port Dover we stumbled, by pure coincidence, upon the native blockade which had supposedly been taken down. The exact opposite took place. We arrived just after a melee that had taken place between townsfolk and natives when several natives tried to circumvent the blockade by running onto someone's adjacent property. That property owner promptly alerted several locals, and all hell broke loose.

By the time we got there, my friend put on her reporter's hat and spoke with other reporters she knew there while calling in reports to her editor on her cellphone. We made our way to the group of media people huddled on a frontyard overlooking the entire scene. The poor woman who owned the property could only look on in horror at the whole grim mess. So there we were, observing the (grievously undermanned) police line separating the two groups. It was ugly. The townsfolk were something borne out of Rod Serling's worst depictions of a small town paranoid mob. Racist threats were thrown around. Some of the younger kids were more tolerant, and anxious, but there were far too many boys acting tough in front of their girlfriends, putting on masks and bandanas. The natives for their part had taken a back hoe, ripped up the pavement, and parked their equipment in the middle of the road. With the same equipment, they proceeded to topple a nearby hydro tower (all traffic lights and power in the area was out), dragged it to the middle of the torn-up road, and used it to support a stage where masked guys held up native flags.

While this was happening, groups of native youths ran from around the barricades onto the rear of the property the media folk were gathered on. The entire crowd (perhaps 3-4000 people, or what seemed like a good part of the town of Caledonia itself, mostly gawkers, sullen youths and some drunken men with ballcaps and homemade shivs tucked under their jacket sleeves), turned as if in some grand, choreographed gesture, and began snaking its way like a river. I wanted to get the hell out of there, and it was only after my friend was satisifed she told her editor all he needed to know that we snaked our way out through a long line of traffic. Have no idea what took place subsequent to that.

Drinks were in order afterwards.
Wish my weekend was nearly as exciting as fiendish's and ganja's (you MUST post pics - did Tom C. show up?)

Saturday - Did nothing, cooked.
Sunday - Went to the mall (gasp!), took advantage of Gap sale, had a horrible cup of Starbucks coffee (which tasted like bad Chinese herbal medicine).
Monday - Cleaning, etc. Cooked.

Went for a drive to the Niagara region on Sunday. Stopped off in the village of Queenston to visit the Riverbend Musuem which houses the Weir collection of art. lovely. Visited the grounds of Willowbank House, a gorgeous old greek revival structure. Hiked up to Brock's monument (Brock on a stick!). Then drove along the Niagara Parkway to the Falls to grab a burger at Johnny Rockets and drop a few bucks in the slots (only down $40!!). Back home the fast way along the QE, blaring the hits of the 70s on XM Satelite radio. Fun.
Made breakfast. Phoned my mother in England. Went down the basement for something - and noticed a slow drip, drip, drip of water coming from roughly below where the kitchen is. Plumber soon there, cutting out drywall under the sink, finding a small hole in cold water pipe - soon fixed. Realized how little has gone wrong with my house in the 16 years I've been there, calculated how many tens of thousands of dollars I've saved by not pissing away useless fees in a condo. Took a jacket to be altered. Worked out at the fitness centre.

Dim sum with a friend in Chinatown East. Laundry. Ironed shirts. My neighbour brought round some furniture and stuff to store in my basement. Phoned friends. Read, and listened to the radio in the evening like a very old person.

Finally! Gardening! All afternoon, down on my knees in the shrubbery, tugging away. Result - satisfaction, and three big bags stuffed with weeds, grass, and dead branches for collection. Decided to chop down the Mock Orange - damned thing has never flowered properly in ten years. Bought pastries in Miao Ke Hong and had tea in the garden, admiring the order that I had created out of chaos. Out for a walk later.
Friday: Went for a bike ride (somehow avoided the rain) and then cleaned my condo. Went for dinner with simply Dan and his mom at the fabulous Debu Saha's Biryani House (across from Wellesley station). Went back to Dan's and watched some Sex & The City and called it a night.

Saturday: Breakfast at Art Square Gallery Café followed by a movie at the R.O.M. Theatre as part of the annual Inside Out Film & Video Festival. We saw The End of Second Class which charts the history of the gay marriage movement in Canada. After that we headed to Union Station and took a GO bus to Bramalea to visit my parents. Had a lovely dinner of polenta (and other things) and then watched two reasonably good movies we had rented for a badly stocked suburban Rogers Video. They were The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill and Me And You And Everyone We Know.

Sunday: simply Dan and myself decided to go to London, Ontario for the day (we still aren't sure why, but the pictures are coming!). After lots of walking around the town (including Western U) and being somewhat underwhelmed by the place we head to dinner at an Italian restaurant on the Richmond Row business area. However, the power in the neighbourhood goes out just after we order our meals. Anyway, they give us lots of free beer which we happily drink in the dark for an hour. At this point we decide there's no way either of us are driving anytime soon and decide to check into a hotel for the night instead. $96 for the night in downtown London...not bad! Since we are staying the night we decide to hook-up with some friends who live in London and went for drinks at the Alex P. Keaton pub. Following that we checked out London's incestuous gay scene with some drinks and dancing at The Annex.

Monday: Head back to Brampton to return the car. Get a ride to the subway and then head straight to the R.O.M. for another Inside Out movie. This one is called Is It Really So Strange? and it chronicles the burgeoning interest of latinos in East L.A. into the music of Morrissey and The Smiths and how they reconcile with the fact that he's a flambuoyant and possibly gay Brit. Anyway, it's an interesting doc that I'd recommend! Following that I head to work (wohoo, premium pay!) and then following work at 22:00 head in a cab to The Phoenix Concert Theatre to see Madchester survivors The Charlatans live in concert.

That's a wrap! Satisfied Babel?
Oh, story time!


Volunteer Interview with Pride Toronto for their Board of Directors, they saw that I lived in Mississauga and offered to give me a hotel room during the weekend of Pride, because they didn't want me commuting. I'm like awww, how thoughtful?

Met Chuck100, tried out his new digital camera along Spadina. Had dinner at Montana's (which was featured in the show restaurant makeover) good food and prices, highly recommended. Really cute Aussie waiter.

Stopped at Blockbuster on Spadina, wanted to rent Priscilla Queen of the Dessert, but they didn't carry it. It was either Last Holiday or this Las Vegas Bachelar Party movie. We went with Las Vegas because there was a hot guy in it.

LCBO back on Spadina and picked up a bottle of White Australian wine. Watched the movie, it was funny with a stupid ending. (Don't rent it, download it). Watched this British show on Showcase called Sin City? Hilarious and horrible kinky sex stuff. Walked down University Avenue fron College towards Union because I couldn't find a bank machine. Caught the last GO Bus home to Mississauga.


Missed a soccer tournament in the morning because I totally slept in. Hit the gym instead and finally flirted with the hottest guy I have been eyeing for over a year in the change room. Apparently his name is Clive.

Got all pretty for a dinner date at an upscale Port Credit restaurant called Ten Wine Bar with my best friend. She cancels after not showing 12 minutes late. Mad as hell, got a phone call from another friend who wants to meet for dinner. Meet at Orchard's Family restaurant in Cooksville (not classy but good food).

LCBO is closed by the time I pull into the parking lot at 9:30 p.m.

Meet parents at Tim Hortons and sister for a coffee.

Buy two dozens donuts and head to House Party in suburban Mississauga as I couldn't show up empty handed. I become the most popular person once I walk in as there is more than enough booze but no food. Someone invited a bunch of kids from Burlington, I impressed them with my Mississauga charm.

Launched off $200 worth of fireworks from a friend's driveway across Mavis Road as two dozen "young adults" were dancing around with sparkles (How typically suburban). Woke up neighbours and blew out a streetlight. I told them not to worry as I would get city of Mississauga to fix it, but their taxes will go up later on.


Cardio at the gym with my best friend's girlfriend. No hot guy from the day before.

Head to Square One afterwards to renew sticker on friend's car. We both look like homeless bums after coming from the gym. I had to duck and hide when I see someone I knew. Ate lunch at Subway and tried some new stuff at Sephora on each other.

Hit Oakville for a friend's backyard birthday BBQ. Practically nobody shows up because Oakville is apparently too far for our Mississauga snob friends.

Hit the QEW towards the Entertainment District for gorgeous twin Greek brother's birthday. Huge ass line up in front of Lot 332. One of the Birthday boys call me aside, a bouncer tells us to follow him and takes us through the back door (apparently it's the VIP entrance). I'm suddenly in the middle of club and shown to a row of booths. Birthday boys tells me they paid like $3000 for bottle service that night for 35 of our friends. I tell him he is such a shooter, but he can afford it. Bartenders set up our own personal bars in front of us. (I start to think I could get use to this type of service). People get drunk like crazy, lots of flirting, skin and dancing on the booths.

Stumble out at 3:00 a.m. and somebody is sober enough to drive back to Mississauga. Stop over in Etobicoke on for early morning breakfast at the Grille on Queensway.


Best friend wakes me up for breakfast, I tell him I already had some, he suggests lunch. We head to the Orchard again.

Took a whirlwind tour of swings in parks in Cooksville. Stopping at four sets of swings while talking about life's problems.

Apparently Hazel is going to run in the next election, Step down on January 1st, 2007 and be named Lieutenant Governor of Ontario by the Premier.

The End.

Just a quick update on the psych conference I've been attending. I've got some bad news... I learned tonight that urban living is a risk factor for schizophrenia.
Do tell us more.

They talking about urban living as we think of it, or "urban living", that American euphemism?

Did the Scientology people lock themselves in the closet after your little row with them?
They talking about urban living as we think of it, or "urban living", that American euphemism?

I have no idea.

Did the Scientology people lock themselves in the closet after your little row with them?

Wasn't there a South Park episode about Tom Cruise in the closet?
